Lost my Nem? Please help

this is my address ND2CFK-GVZHPN-DC6CGH-5H3CYS-2DGLAZ-O5KJHJ-7MX5

ok, there are xem on that account. What account address is it showing if you log into the wallet?
Is it the only account in that wallet?


Yes there is only account in that wallet

hmmā€¦so the first time you logged into the wallet on windows10, you didnā€™t have create a new wallet with the same name?
The wallet was already there?

Yes, i dont create a new wallet with same name.
i coppied two files to ncc and click open wallet
:(, all two files are created on 03.29

Very strangeā€¦any chance that you provided the wrong address when transferring from bittrex to you wallet?
Did you check that the xem had arrived in your wallet (on your old windows installation)?

yes, i received my nem on my wallet. so i did run harvesting on my local
as you can see, i harvested 1 block

my file *.adb is not changed from 03.29. so any chance that the lastest wallet version has some bug? (i mean it decrypted wrong in source)

I doubt that the wallet has a bug, i really donā€™t know what happenedā€¦
You know, a wallet canā€™t just change an account insideā€¦

yes i also think so. how can we send this bug to developer?

as you can see. i sent my nem to my account on 03.29 and on 03.29 i created the two files :frowning:

I am a developer :wink:


thanks. please check and fix it. if you need see all my file on my laptop. please tell me to teamview and help me. that is all my asset :frowning:

Apologies if this has been covered already, but did you wait until your wallet is synchronised to the network? It may not be in Sync hence the balance may not show until fully synced perhapsā€¦

yes i waited to sync complete :frowning: the address is changed :frowning:

This doesnā€™t look good :frowning:
Maybe continue with private message s.

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hello can you pm me?. my new nick got max replies per day.

hello can you pm my nick?

invited you

I unlcoked your original account, you should be able to make more replies in 24 hours now.