Lost my Nem? Please help

Hello, I seted up fullnode on my pc, i tranfered my Nem from bittrex to my wallet. and i use it to harvesting.
on March 29I saved two files *.adb and *.wlt. But i dont save private key.
Now i reinstalled my window and installed Nem Wallet 6.87 version. I coppied two files *.adb, *.wlt to Ncc folder
But when i login to wallet, i see the a new wallet address. and i dont see my NEM here
Please Help me!!!

For Windows
’C: \ Users \ “yourPCname” \ nem \ ncc’
Copy the .wlt file here.

Did you do like this?

Did you run NCC and run “Create New Wallet” on the left in the first screen?
In that case, you may be logged in to the newly created wallet.

In the above case, if you create a new one with the same wallet name and log in, there is a possibility that the file copied from the backup was overwritten afterwards.

Also, *. adb, *. wlt must be copied from the backup to the NCC folder with the NCC browser closed. After that, please start NCC’s browser and check whether you can log in normally.

i coppied two files to ncc and click to open wallet. because i see “found 1 wallet”

two files all are created on 03.29

yes i coppied. but there is no Nem :frowning:

There is no problem with restoring from backup of NCC.
I have never experienced such an example before, so I will handle it to the development side.
@gimre @BloodyRookie

i dont understand because i backuped two files to my storage. but when i coppied to ncc. and go to browser. i got the new address in my wallet. dont understand.i still have two files and pasword @BloodyRookie

Have you restarted NCC?
Did you try any method, such as trying again after uninstalling?

I can not support any more.

yes, i did, even tried setup ncc on other pc. the same thing happened

You can switch accounts at the end of the red arrow, but is there a target address in the list?

I think this solves it, can you confirm matnemroi?

yes when i login. there is a new address. when i click arrow, there is no the old address.

now i still cant resolve it.

there is a chance to recover with two files and my password? i dont save private key

In general terms, you can restore the .wlt file and password if you have one.
However, if you forget your password, you can not return it, so save the private key in a safe place.

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yes, i have two files and password. i think there is a bug in new wallet version

Do you know the address where the xem should be?

i got “You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 21 hours before trying again.”

so i must use this nick

yes. i bought on bittrex. and transfer it to my account. now i still remember the address that has my Nem

And that address is?