Wallet lost can I get help I have a password and username and I have my email and my changelly addresses and transaction numbers, I am trying to sign in with my password and my username it says it found no other wallets this is crazy can someone help.
what client are you talking about?
the niss for widows
When I downloaded it it asked me for a password and a username and i sent the money to that wallet and it was through Changelly about 3 deposits, I am very upset
when I signed in today it said there were no other wallets and it wanted me to sign up for a new wallet!!
NIS is not a wallet.
There is NCC and Nano Wallet.
sorry for the delay I have a young daughter that was going to bed yes it is a NCC, by the way I found the .wlt file is that useful in finding my original wallet?
yes, probably the .wlt file is your wallet, try to find import/open wallet button, and import from file, there on you will only need password i don’t remember anywhere in nem it asked for username
Thank you for your response!!! yes it did ask me for my username and password but when I tried to get on today there was no wallet and no money. When I went to download another wallet it said there were no other wallets!! Can you help me with the .wlt file I did find it but I do not know how or where to import it. I have a lot of trouble even with their wallet it seems to have a mind of its own, it disapears re-appears and and does not open. Can you recommend a correct version for windows 10?
do you have your private key, and are you sure that the wlt file is the only or first one that you made when making a new wallet?
What client are you using, latest version of nanowallet should work
In nano, click on import wallet, find .wlt file and type in your password in login screen
Hello my friend the wallet is very difficult for me to download for some reason, I have windows 10 does that matter?
I get a script host error!!! will not load
I am even having trouble with the bytecoin wallet it will not download no matter what I do and I cannot open the Bitshares light wallet either.
I have about 17,000 Nem in the wallet
I would be more than happy to give you some if you help me find the original wallet
You’re using NCC. and you have wallet file backuped. search your whole computer with *.wlt .adb and count how many. Don’t think twise. Backup them in another place (USB disk/another computer .etc). Don’t care about witch one is first. First thing is backup.
Secondly, Try to put them in your nem folder in windows 10 I think it’s like C:\Users*yourusername\nem\ncc
put the .wlt file here.
Start NCC walet and see if you can find wallet login accout. and try your password.
I am on the NIS wallet thats where all the money was but I cannot find anywhere that asks me to import a wallet??? Do you know where I can find that so I can load the .wlt file
You don’t need to import the wallet into NCC (you are using NCC, not NIS). Just follow the instructions that @zhankaiwen said above. Make sure to put the .adb file as well as .wlt file.
Then when you have ncc access, get rid of it and use nanowallet https://blog.nem.io/ncc-to-nanowallet-export/
You can’t find a button name “import wallet”. Maybe scurity problem or next version? @saul.
Just First backup the wlt and adb file and place the .wlt and .adb file in C:\Usersyourusername\nem\ncc
Try it and restart your NCC wallet