Missing XEM between Coinspot and NEM Wallet (Android)

Can someone please suggest what may have happened here:

  1. Purchased 2574.51283781 NEM from Coinspot exchange
  2. Installed NEM Wallet 1.0.67 from Google Play
  3. Added an account in the wallet app
  4. Copied My Address: NCIKV5-KZIAXX-IX65QM-PW4TUN-DMBDBO-FSGRN3-65LK from the QR tab
  5. Pasted the address into Coinspot
  6. Included the message ‘test message’ and clicked send
  7. Received the confirmation email from Coinspot
    Coin: XEM
    Amount: 2574.51283781
    Address: NCIKV5-KZIAXX-IX65QM-PW4TUN-DMBDBO-FSGRN3-65LK|||test message

Nothing received after 3 hours in the app (balance 0 XEM). Coinspot reports the transaction as complete.

I’ve tried searching my address with this link:

and without the dashes:


It seems my account doesn’t even exist.

Please let me know if I’ve done something wrong,


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!