Mobi X NEM Video

Hi guys!

Thought we’d share a short 1 minute video on Mobi and how it works, along with the benefits that NEM can bring to the app.

Hope you enjoy and please visit our website for more details at

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Great! Thanks for sharing this @Anthony_Mobi.

For anyone that has questions or feedback regarding the implementation of Mobi and NEM we’d love to hear!

Youtube has a subtitle function.
It is better to put subtitles to spread around the world.

Hi @godtanu!

Thanks for the feedback! We have actually just added in English subtitles for ease of use.

If you have any further feedback please let us know.


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this app might address the local car pool needs. but just didn’t see the point, what’s the real benefit to use NEM.

please help education me.


Hi Autratec,

Thanks for your question.

Below is a breakdown of some of the benefits NEM has for Mobi:

  1. Instantaneous transactions: Under traditional third party gateways, transfers can only generally be completed in lump sum payments, meaning that the drivers that are using Mobi will be paid on a fortnightly basis once their expenses have been incurred for their commute. NEM allows Mobi to pay drivers instantly to help them offset their costs as soon as the ride is complete.
  2. Low fees to give more back: When it comes to utilising the app on a daily basis for commuting, you can imagine transaction fees can become quite significant especially considering the transactions will generally only be around $6 per ride. Integrating NEM on Mobi will allow us to get rid of fees that are passed onto third party payment gateways and give more back to the driver.
  3. Transparency of Information: Our model is based on a rating system, where each user rates each other based on the ride they have complete. Although this seems great in theory, operating a model like this through a centralised platform can leave this information open to manipulation and amendments to makes riders/drivers have higher or lower ratings. Integrating NEM features allows us decentralise this aspect to ensure that the information listed in Mobi is not tampered with by any third party.

In a competitive market where carpooling is becoming a growing trend, these are necessary benefits that will allow us to stand out from the competition.

Hope this helps and if you need any further clarification please let me know.


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Hi Anthony, thanks for the quick response and detail explanation. I am new to blockchain and NEM., you inputs really help me form them new understanding of blockchain and NEM.

I agree with your points. but considering the low acceptance in the real commercial world of XEM. it is pretty painful to get driver cash out XEM and use it for real commercial activity, for example, buy the food.

recently, i have tried to use Changelly to buy 100 USD XEM and exchange rate it got is 30% higher than the real market. I can not imagine such kind of price able to support the real business activities.

Thanks again for the sharing and let me know your comments.


No worries!

I can understand where you are coming from with relation to the current low acceptance/uptake of XEM, but I also believe that NEM approach is going to be quite effective in making XEM as acceptable as possible.

Like anything new, I think it generally has slow uptake, but given that there is organisations already allowing real world use payments for XEM (eg. TravelByBit) and other startups, things will change.

With relation to getting drivers to accept NEM as opposed to fiat, we are cutting fees for drivers who accept XEM as payment as opposed to fiat. By increasing this incentive, we are hopefully going to have users accept the currency more often. Once we do this, we can then partner with entities also accept XEM and allow partnership agreements with them (example Mobi users may get discount on a car wash that accepts XEM).


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Anthnoy, thanks again for continue doing what you are doing - increase the acceptance of XEM, which will benefit to whole community, who is holding XEM.


Not a problem!

If you’d like to join the conversation on Mobi please join us in our Telegram: 1

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