Mobile App Beta Testing

Im curious who is willing to help beta testing the mobile app?

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Especially at this point, we need people with android devices to help test ^^

So where is download link?

We will send you the app if you contact us privately. Maybe talk to Jeff or Mixmaster.

I would like to test the app. Is it working on the main net? Where to report test results, bugs and feature requests?

Edit: I have a Razr M phone (Android) and a Medion/Lenovo 10" Tablet (Android)

It works on the test network ^^

That is a very good question. Right now there is an internal trello board, which we obviously cant use for public beta testig issues.
Any ideas? I personally would love to see the issues go to github, that can even work if we don’t publish the mobile app source code yet. But there seems to be a problem with that (makoto?), so I’m open for any ideas.

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A centralized way to track any and all feedback - like github - will be crucial imho. It just sucks if you don’t know what others have found and aren’t sure on what there actually is to give feedback on.

What also turned me down a bit was that the Android version was lightyears behind the iOS version. It’s like i wanna test it when it’s in a state that is worth testing…you know ?

It would probably also be good if there could be pre-filled accounts for testers so everyone doesn’t have to ask for test XEM first.

What exactly was the problem with github ?

Yes, pat, I totally agree. A central platform for issues is needed. I’m not sure what the problem with github was, something about only 1 project per user at the free version maybe? @makoto can probably clarify what he meant.

And yes, the Android version is behind iOS now, because Jeff and me were working on a redesign and yet the mobile devs only made that for iOS. Both versions are still pretty buggy, too. But we should get ready to test it extensively soon.

Regarding pre-filled accounts for testers: Well we could start a thread where people just have to ask for a priv key and then Jeff or me will send them out?

I think you could just make like 10 and then post the QR codes somewhere where only testers can see them. I think that portion of the app is already working and since only people who are invited will test for now I think we can trust each other to not empty those accounts just to fuck with people.

I personally still have problems with the QR codes, but generally that is a very good idea!

The mobile app devs said the Android was basically done, too.

We don’t need to leak the new testnet yet. People can just connect to existing nodes.

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[quote=“makoto, post:12, topic:1426”]
The mobile app devs said the Android was basically done, too.
this is ridiculous.

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I am willing to test Andoid (on 7" tablet and low end phone) and IOS (Iphone 4s).
Just let me know how to proceed!

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There Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 2013. I would like to participate in testing the android app))

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I’m willing to test it on my Android phone and tablet (4.2.2 and 4.4.4), but I would like to know what kind of mobile app it’s gonna be.

What you mean “what kind” ? The wallet kind :slight_smile:

Doh, could have known it yeah…
Well anyway count me in.

My idea: make a private group at Slack and invite testers there to download and give it a go…

That would be a good idea. If only people would use slack :slight_smile: There’s a trello board though so maybe people should just be added there ? I still think github would be the place to handle feedback.