It appears that there is a bit of a gap in the tracking of mosaics. This is because there does not appear to be any easy way to track which account has how many mosaics. As such it will be difficult to send dividends or messages to token holders.
I am sure this functionality would be useful for the NEM ecosystem and I reckon anyone considering an ICO with NEM mosaics would really need some way of keeping track of which NEM address has what. Specifically, if there was an API to get back the following, I think it would be useful:-
List of accounts owning a specific mosaic (and amount held) at a given NEM block ordered by the amount owned (desc) and address (asc) (maybe limit to 100 accounts from a set order)
I know this could be worked out based upon the mosaic creation block and the subsequent block transactions but working it out from scratch each time would be difficult. I also know it could be held in a database, and updated after each block transaction, but if everyone trying to track their mosaics was to do this independently it would be highly inefficient.
Any thoughts?