Mosaic marketplace

Is there any mosaic marketplace?

How can we sell / buy mosaics in testnet & mainnet?


There is a new feature in xarLee Faucet called

Faucet Airdrop

Do you want to distribute your own NEM mosaic using the faucet? Don’t you know how to build an airdrop strategy?

Now you can use Faucet Airdrop. It is a feature that gives away your NEM token all over the world (United States, Japan, Venezuela, Ukraine, UK, India…).

How does it work?

In order to activate your NEM mosaic airdrop you will need to stake 10 xarLee Coins in your address account.
If you don’t stake xarLee’s all your NEM tokens sent to the faucet will be Disabled and will not be distributed.

How to get xarLee’s

You can claim in our NEM Faucet Mainnet or participate in bounty proposals.
It will be used to activate your own token airdrops in mainnet.


Please write a comment with your mosaic data, and after approval send your mosaic to the faucet account (detailed in the web site).
Specify NEM mosaic name, namespace, supply, start and end date, quantity per claim, icon or image of mosaic, NEM address (it will need to stake 10 xarLee’s).
After approval, send your NEM mosaics to Faucet address.
* * NEM Mosaic with Levy not accepted
After a couple of days your mosaic will be available for all the users of the faucet around the world!

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It doesn’t work. Error in signup activation link:

An Error Was Encountered

The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.

for example, if you use copy-paste, control characters are sometimes copied. Look in the clipboard or copy it to an editor of your choice, then you can see it.
Maybe that’s the reason.

@milessmith please stop spamming or you will be banned

@xrltechcorner this is Telegram channel if you have any issue with this exchange
For testnet unfortunately I don’t know any marketplace.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: xarLee Coin Airdrop