This transaction is a mosaic type with version number 1744830466
But transaction.mosaics array is empty. from the documentation i know that if we got nem.xem mosaic then we can calculate the NEM we got by multiplying nem.xem quantity * amount / 1^6
So in this case, did the NEM send or not?
We got many transactions that look like this.
[meta] => stdClass Object
[innerHash] => stdClass Object
[id] => 1597931
[hash] => stdClass Object
[data] => ddf4033cffe26e28053626f32d0d42f90d7ab411157ab499b17c591f720be4e7
[height] => 1480671
[transaction] => stdClass Object
[timeStamp] => 89644780
[amount] => 183485480
[signature] => aebd8549f8cd86fa7d5e9bd970caf1a3a505a599cf503a6ab1da54472670bee111ac122da1e6dd8d522806116f108ecfcb05ea4ab4faac4dcfa7e31413ac5305
[fee] => 100000
[mosaics] => Array
[type] => 257
[deadline] => 89727580
[message] => stdClass Object
[payload] => 323233373132
[type] => 1
[version] => 1744830466
[signer] => 24e293062e64674cf031fae0ef8a6535efb0207b4aea43e47c0f5048de0fb53f