Mosaics Transaction but Mosaics array is Empty

This transaction is a mosaic type with version number 1744830466

But transaction.mosaics array is empty. from the documentation i know that if we got nem.xem mosaic then we can calculate the NEM we got by multiplying nem.xem quantity * amount / 1^6

So in this case, did the NEM send or not?

We got many transactions that look like this.

            [meta] => stdClass Object
                    [innerHash] => stdClass Object

                    [id] => 1597931
                    [hash] => stdClass Object
                            [data] => ddf4033cffe26e28053626f32d0d42f90d7ab411157ab499b17c591f720be4e7

                    [height] => 1480671

            [transaction] => stdClass Object
                    [timeStamp] => 89644780
                    [amount] => 183485480
                    [signature] => aebd8549f8cd86fa7d5e9bd970caf1a3a505a599cf503a6ab1da54472670bee111ac122da1e6dd8d522806116f108ecfcb05ea4ab4faac4dcfa7e31413ac5305
                    [fee] => 100000
                    [recipient] => NCCFO5QDFV5FS3BTBPEU2QO6UHZD7PHGFNCPISDL
                    [mosaics] => Array

                    [type] => 257
                    [deadline] => 89727580
                    [message] => stdClass Object
                            [payload] => 323233373132
                            [type] => 1

                    [version] => 1744830466
                    [signer] => 24e293062e64674cf031fae0ef8a6535efb0207b4aea43e47c0f5048de0fb53f

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From my coding experience, I know that mosaics array can be null or empty array. In both cases XEM is sent, not mosaics. Don’t know why this happens - probably transaction builder in NEM wallet adds empty array for some reasons.

If you use v2 transaction and mosaic array is empty it will be interpreted by NIS server as v1 transaction (only sent using v2 protocol) so it’s XEM transaction. But be carefull because most of exchanges ignore such a transaction.

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