Mosaics transfer - balance mismatch


As per the below transaction object of block height 2901595, the total amount deducted from NDLOR2C6D3ZP52OUPU3U5M5CSNC542CW7TM6CBLO is 560 but from API difference between 2901595 and 2901594 is 560.010.
From where this 0.010 came? How can I get it from API response?

“timeStamp”: 175597825,
“amount”: 1000000,
“signature”: “3e615a9c5c48324f64dd15efffaf5ab9b1e8b13cb3bb07c4c49a69fbfa8972a52c72506896979df13c76ad11f948f8709d54c0def8a62cfade2f4c01831c180b”,
“fee”: 1200000,
“mosaics”: [
“quantity”: 1306938602192,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “beer-money”,
“name”: “beer”
“quantity”: 558800000,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “nem”,
“name”: “xem”
“type”: 257,
“deadline”: 175612225,
“message”: {},
“version”: 1744830466,
“signer”: “2c6ca7cc1d84591a5e8e6db7e2c07615844d52cf5827ce56936ccaecca5e543e”

From explorer, I can see 0.010 nem:xem transferred under mosaic.
and same we can’t see from nemtool explorer. What is it? I’m not considering it as it’s under a different mosaic than nem:xem, but now it’s creating a problem with balance mismatch.

Can anyone please help here? @CryptoBeliever ?


I got the answer to this. Can anyone please cross-check the below and confirm?

Here, the fee for livy is 10000 and mosaicId is nem:xem, so this fee is deducted from NDLOR2C6D3ZP52OUPU3U5M5CSNC542CW7TM6CBLO in the above transaction, right?
And this affects nem balance(xem’s) because id is nem:xem, right?
If another id than nem:xem is there then the fee will deduct from that mosaic id, not as xem’s. right?

“data”: [
“meta”: {
“id”: 1455
“mosaic”: {
“creator”: “da04b4a1d64add6c70958d383f9d247af1aaa957cb89f15b2d059b278e0594d5”,
“description”: “Beer Money Corporation”,
“id”: {
“namespaceId”: “beer-money”,
“name”: “beer”
“properties”: [
“name”: “divisibility”,
“value”: “6”
“name”: “initialSupply”,
“value”: “400000000”
“name”: “supplyMutable”,
“value”: “true”
“name”: “transferable”,
“value”: “true”
“levy”: {
“fee”: 10000,
“type”: 1,
“mosaicId”: {
“namespaceId”: “nem”,
“name”: “xem”

@CryptoBeliever Can you please confirm here?

Yes. beer-money has 0.01 XEM absolute fee


If another id than nem:xem is there then the fee will deduct from that mosaic id, not as xem’s/account’s balance, right?

If you have levy in another mosaic then yes. It will be deducted from this mosaic balance (if you don’t have it you will be unable to transfer)

Ok, Thanks!