Multisig clarification [SOLVED]

I read in one of the nem docs (unable to dig up the link) where it mentioned that an account can be a signatory to maximum of 5 multisig accounts. Is this true?

If not, is there a maximum limit, or can an account be a signatory to unlimited multisig accounts?


It’s not true, I know address that is cosigner of over 70 accounts. @nevermined, @BloodyRookie do you know maximum limit?

Only the number of cosignatories for a multisig account is limited in NIS:


In catapult, you can configure it. Default values are rather low:

maxCosignersPerAccount = 10
maxCosignedAccountsPerAccount = 5

Thanks for the information. I am looking at the maxCosignedAccountsPerAccount property - this is important for our project. Is there a maximum limit to this number or can we set it to anything we want?

No limit enforced, though i think you should set it to a reasonable value. Just as a reminder, this is for Catapult only.

Thanks @BloodyRookie. If we are using the current production Blockchain (and not Catapult), then the value of maxCosignedAccountsPerAccount is hardcoded to 5 and cannot be changed?

no, max cosigner per account is hardcoded to 32:


And no limit for the number of accounts that a given account is cosignatory of.

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Alright. Thanks a bunch for the info!