My wallet has disappeared from my desktop

Hi, back in December 2017, i downloaded the nanowallet 2.0.14 and I sent my XEM from my bittrex account to this wallet.

However, this wallet has vanished from my desktop. I have the transaction info from my bittrex account but I cannot find my wallet. I have my address and the TxId but no wallet…

I am hoping someone can help me!

Hope you have your .wlt file as that is what you need and your password.
If you have these download the latest version from here:

Nope! is there any way i can work backwards using the address that i sent it to from the exchange?

I am beginning to think i downloaded a bogus wallet.

I am not sure, yet I feel the answer is the only way to work back is if you have your private key.
Read up on private and public keys, please do this.
It is still very valid.
The nano wallet uses the .wlf file, so yes you need that file and your password.
I hope it was not a lot of money and yes the link I provided is the correct link to download the nano wallet, do not try to use anything else than official Nem website.

Just say you have it on your computer still, what folder did you download it to?
Desktop icons can often dissapear due to cache cleans etc, the original file folder may well still be on your computer.

i searched for the .wlt and .wlf file and nothing comes up. i am trying to take a screenshoot of the original folder but i have a new keyboard and screenshot isnt working. It’s driving me nuts.

here, a pictures from my IMG_8245phone is attached

  1. Are you sure you didn’t do backup of your wlt file or private key? When creating wallet nanowallet asks you to do it. Try search entire disk for .wlt files
  2. When you run start.html you don’t have any wallet to choose?

start file appears to be corrupted. The link is absolutely blank.

i have done searches in my search bar for all those words. None of the files work. This is very disappointing.

can we work backwards based on my address?

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Of course you can’t restore access based on your address. This is public information.

Try get new wallet, extract and run start.html
Of course don’t remove old one. Link to new version:

what do you mean extract?

and when i get the new one are you suggesting i choose the sign up option? because “select a wallet” is blank for the “already a member” option

Extract = unzip archive.
Ok. If you don’t have option to select your old wallet it doesn’t help.
You must have backup from time when you create wallet. If you don’t have I’m afraid you lost access to funds.

So I download NEM’s “working” wallet, transfer my funds to it, it disappears, I lose my money. Great.

Did you extract into the same location (same folder) as the old nano wallet? Else you won’t be able to see you wallet in the wallet list that nano wallet displays.

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the screen shot i added above is what the original folder looks like.

you’re saying if i put the new files into the original folder then i will be able to pull up the wallet?

Pretend I am a 5 year old and this is the first time I’ve used the NEM wallet please

downloaded again, from the link provided and here is what pops up:
