NEM Wallet Beta 2.4.4 - Bug bounty paid in XEM

Òne question. I found that when I create mosaics and set for one mosaic that levy is in firstly made mosaic and then send second mosaic to other user it doesn’t change value (the mosaic that is used for levy), but when the same transaction is performed from the account that didn’t create that mosaic same value is changed. Is that bug or by design?

@pavle.dakic in this case would you not be paying the levy to yourself?

The official download page link remains 2.0.14.
Please request change to those who have permission to update here.

Links already updated by @Saul. Still wrong version in label above but this is minor. Also reported to Saul.

Yes, but then the initial amount of your mosaic would change. In this case
you have a loophole where the creator of the mosaic never pays levy, while
the other do. That is my point of view, it doesn’t mean I am right, I am
just asking because it intrigued me.


will it be possible to initiate multisig transaction with prepare offline transaction module?

Version 2.2.0

  • Create and verify signed messages modules
  • Account transactions explorer
  • Fix timestamp too far in the future
  • Updated voting backend
  • Minor fixes and improvements

Thank you Very much!

Virus total found a trojan in nano wallet indtall files
File name:
Antivirus Result Update
Antiy-AVL Trojan/Win32.TSGeneric 20180526

Download it from the official website?


Very probably a false positive.

I checked the files individually and nothing is detected

I guess one of the npm dependencies upgraded automatically with something triggering detection

I’ll try to get rid of that in next release.

About the matter of Apostle’s create in TREZOR.
Is this whether TREZOR is unsupported or NanoWallet is unsupported?


Version 2.3.0

  • Domain Name System module
  • Import Wallet Bankup QRcode module
  • Support voting with Trezor
  • Minor fixes and improvements

Experimental builds removed since previous Windows version had a false positive.


A brief explanation in the video, check those features out by yourselves!

Please make it possible to select the camera device used for reading the QR code.


I tested it with two cameras and there is a dropdown list to choose it. Or maybe it depends on some system settings?
Choosing the camera work only on my firefox, in chrome it’s set up by default.

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OS: MacOS HighSierra
Browser: Google Chrome 67

Firefox comes up with options to start up the camera.
In Chrome, there was no choice and the default image input device was applied.
Currently, Chrome’s default image input device is changed to handle it.
It seems that it is a matter of my Chrome setting that there is no choice.

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Anyone facing the same issue? Is it happening when the namespace is already in use?

Looks like error happens when you try renew namespace to early (it’s possible month before expiration date).

I see. I means someone has taken the same name already? I could create an another namespace under a new name after failing with one namespace’ name.