Nano Wallet on my server

So, I was running NanoWallet on my server and was working great. For some reason, it no longer works now that it’s behind SSL?

Any thoughts on how I could fix this?

Is there a problem with recognizing that NanoWallet is published on the Web server?
I understand that the http protocol works well and can not be used with the https protocol.
What kind of display or error do you get when accessing with https?


It just doesn’t connect to any nodes. It works fine without SSL but I want that added level of security.

Is the published NanoWallet for yourself?
Or is it used for multiplayer use?

I have never published NanoWallet using the https protocol, so I do not know the details.
As the access source becomes https, the security setting of the client may be strong.
Please check the error on the client side development tool etc.

Right now it’s for myself however, I want to make it available for others as I’m building a site for people to learn more about the crypto space.

I’m not getting errors. How could I check for them if I’m not getting them? Would they appear in the debug file?

Like I said earlier, everything loads fine from the page…It just won’t load anything from the node. It’s like the nodes are being blocked. The only reason I have it behind SSL is because I have seen it done before. I’m waiting to hear from that person as well but no reply.

Is it possible to tell me the URL of the site?
I will investigate.

Yup no problem

Currently it seems that it does not work when publishing in the https environment with the latest NanoWallet.

I will tell you from the conclusion.
When publishing NanoWallet on https, it seems that access from Client to SuperNode is also https.

First, when accessing the top screen, the following error appears.
This is looking for the nearest SN.

After login, the nodes can not be connected.
Even if you change the node to trial it will not change its behavior.
At this time, the client tries to access the SN every second, but fails because it is https.

If you feel that you need to do with https, please request the developer.


You will only be able to connect to a node that is also using https. There are a few of these nodes around, I am not sure of their names.

is a node just someone that has installed the standalone client?

Maybe I can install a node too?

Is it the setting around here? =
nem.httpPort = 7890
nem.httpsPort = 7891
nem.websocketPort = 7778```

nem.protocol = https  ?