Nanowallet Changelly Instant Exchange service, to buy XEM; How long does the address remain active?

Hello friendly people,

If you buy some XEM, using the widget ‘Changelly Instant Exchange’, under services.
You get a address, to send your coins to. Now, how long does that address stay active?

I need to know, because I send a big bulk of slow money to that address.

2 days slow, to be precise.

It would be best to make the payment immediately, obviously, but the service I used for the transfer is slow.

So, how long does the provided address stay active? ^^

Thanks for reading! Good luck with everything crypto!

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I tried to wire some gulden, to exchange to XEM, using the buy XEM option. I successfully wired the ammount to the provided address, now I have to wait and exchange?

  1. Wait a few minutes for blockchain confirmation and exchange.

How can I exchange? I have no option to exchange. Are you sure this service works?

Changelly works well. Maybe you forgot to attach a message with transactions? It’s unclear what your issue is.

my btc to xem exchange has been on the exchange step for the past 3 hours already 2,500 less xem since the time i placed the order.

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I got the reply: ‘The address does not expire, even if the transaction takes some time to process.’

So, patience is everything. Already been two days… must be the weekends :stuck_out_tongue:

All is good, just patience. And yes, stock prices are going insane

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