Nanowallet - Suggestions

Nanowallet is great and works well for me personally but it’s becoming clear it is nearly unusable for less technically inclined people because of some very simple issues. Here are some suggestions to help improve it.

1. Circle nodes if connection fails
The amount of threads where people are confused because nano couldn’t connect to a node are staggering. That red circle is nems RROD at this point.
If a connection fails, try the next node in the list and keep going. While doing so give the user feedback that the wallet is trying to connect. Currently there is 0 feedback that a connection is still being established and the circle, which most people don’t seem to notice to being with, just stays red when it fails.

2. Stronger passwords
There have been several cases where users have used weak passwords for brainwallets which in turn led to coins being stolen and them unrightfully accusing nem of being insecure which is word those people will spread. This is easily prevented by introducing some requirements for passwords. Warnings are nice but people don’t read them. Lot’s of newbies coming in and they have no clue what a brainwallet is and why it’s so reckless to use a weak password.

3. Show the address on the dashboard
People seem to be unable to find out their address. Show them in the dashboard or somewhere else on every screen.

4. More visual feedback for the user
Right now there is very little visual feedback for the user unless there is an error. A tx being confirmed makes a sound, starting to harvest doesn’t seem to do anything other than changing the icon and we already talked about connection issues. Some messages would go a long way I think.

Bonus round
Hardcode the adresses exchanges are using and give people a warning if they don’t include a message or encrypt it. It is mind blowing that so many seem incapable of reading and following simple instructions but this could help a bit.

I guess I should file them on github but I don’t have my password at hand and I needed to get this written down :slight_smile:


He is 100% right very usefull post PLZ read @everybody

Here some Youtube vids where you can see how to open up Nanowallet. PLZ ALWAYS READ WARNINGS AND SUGGESTIONS when you open Wallet.

German, austrian and swiss.


I have noticed below:

It could be better to have BACK button in sub directory of Service menus.

It must have the confirmation window with total amount of the cost when the Registration button pressed in Namespace registration.

Thank you.

Piling on: Nanowallet - Suggestions