From my point of view the developers focused on what NXT was doing to much instead of looking at what other solutions there were. I guess the NEM developers can just wait and see what NXT does with their transaction fees then copy it.
We really don't care what NXT is doing. NEM is very different from NXT.
With the low transaction fee I was thinking long term, using forks later on especially when NEM has lots more users is dangerous, too many things could go wrong.
NXT and Bitcoin have already had a lot of hard forks. I think NEM will have some too. It seems like a natural evolution. As we learn more, we can make some tweaks and if the community agrees, they will accept the forks.
Overall, there's a tradeoff between completing a very complex system and releasing something to market. We don't have an infinite amount of time. There are a lot of additional features that we would have really liked to get into the launch release, but couldn't with limited resources. If we waited for everything to be perfect, we'd never launch anything.