NEM and startups

Hey everyone,

We at Mobi are currently applying for the NCF and are going through the committee very soon! I thought we would write an article regarding how NEM can help you with your startup and the real use cases on the platform!

Please see the article below and if you’re interested in following us check out our telegram chat at


Hi Guys, carpooling powered by blockchain is a no brainer and will change mobility forever although there are quite few decentralised alternatives to services like Uber. I’ve personally followed companies such as La’zooz and commuterz (both from Israel) , both have got quite a lot of attention already. How is Mobi different? cheers

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Hi Gregory!

Thanks for your reply, both the companies you have mentioned are creating some great traction also in their respective markets.

The way Mobi differs is in a few ways. Firstly, one of our approaches to the market is partnering with organisations/universities and offering the service to members within those areas. Eg, carpooling with someone you have never met before can be awkward. However if you go to the same university there is some common ground you share.

Secondly, Mobi allows users to pre book their weekly rides. We aren’t designed to substitute taxis or uber, but more so to fill the void in daily commuting. We found too many people who travelling in a single vehicle with 4 extra seats that could be filled! Whilst also complaining about the traffic!

We have a range of other features which we can share if you were interested, also, we our NCF proposal will hopefully be posted to the community within the coming weeks (If agreed by the committee) where we have a large range of photos/videos of the app and in depth analysis of our market and the growth fields!

I hope this helps to answer parts of your question, if you have anything else we’d love to hear!
