NEM API path for sending NEM transaction

What is the NEM API path for sending NEM transaction? like http://localhost:7890/transaction/…?
Need help plz… :slight_smile:

Hi graturi,

the way to initiate a transaction in described on page 37 of the NIS API documentation (Chapter 6.1 Initiating a transaction).
The API path is http://localhost:7890/transaction/prepare-announce. It is a POST request and you have to supply a requestPrepareAnnounce JSON object which is described in the Appendix A of the documentation.
Please feel free to ask other questions if you have problems :slight_smile:

Bloody Rookie

yes i did it with PHP,Json post request but {"status":"{"timeStamp":14294068,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"net.minidev.json.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String","status":500}\r\n"} error occured here any solution plz ???

yes i did it with PHP,Json post request but {"status":"{\"timeStamp\":14294068,\"error\":\"Internal Server Error\",\"message\":\"net.minidev.json.JSONObject cannot be cast to java.lang.String\",\"status\":500}\r\n"} error occured here any solution plz ???

could you show us your php code ?

I am currently struggeling a bit with the "/transaction/prepare" API call used by nickel, as it seems to be undocumented.
What exactly does it do?

Having fixed another bug, I now do see what it does: On success it returns a pair (True, {'data' : hexstring}), where hexstring is the hexlified bytearray to be signed and passed on to /transfer/announce.
Quite useful, but why is it undocumented? Or did I just miss it in the API docs?

I think the nickel stuff is for hackers :smiley:
Maybe gimre will document it one day.

Is it documented now where I can see that stuff?

Nope, no documentation.