Last Wednesday I was stuck in an hotel room. So I started to ask myself, how could we make NEM easier to trade (lets say I want to send NEM to my mother). Well the e-mail address would be the obvious choice, but each time I've tried to find a way to easily combine a NEM address to an e-mail address while retaining some level of anonymity but I was not able to do so.
I then said to myself, I could just send some money into an new account, export the private key, send that key trough email and voila! The problem with that is that we both would have the private key and that i could remove the fund at any time even after she would have confirm that the account did have fund in it.
So I thought that we could solve this by creating a special account type . Bond Account. The account would be a one time use only type of account. Once requesting the creating of a Bond account, you would need to decide how much money the Bond must contain. Once the account is created, no more fund can be add to it. With the block chain, we could see how much money is in a specific Bond, but that's it.
The Bond account could not be added to a wallet. Instead, while importing a Bond, it would automatically transfer the content of the Bond into an existing account.
I don't think this would be a revolutionary feature, but It could be a first step in implementing tools to easily trade NEM.
For example, we could then have a feature to send money through e-mail. The feature, would generate a BOND, send the private key through e-mail. The same feature, could be used to import a BOND automatically in the wallet by associating NEM to a URI scheme . Ex : NEM:\PRIV-ATE-KEY-IMPORT-…
Theses could be usefull for the Physical coin as well.
I think that might be a great idea. I just read today that paypal is accepting bitcoin soon. Maybe it's an option (when press release and white paper are ready) to integrate XEM with paypal.
Then you could send money only using a mail adress.
But why wouldn't you just send the money to her own wallet, now she has to get it of the Bond wallet and then transfer it to her own wallet or enter private key in her own wallet.
I think Chaos514 is trying to find a solution to send somebody XEM who doesnt have an account yet, right?
Generally I would never send private keys via unencrypted email.
My goal would be to send money to someone without knowing it's NEM address. Just the e-mail.
But mixmaster, you're right. Sending private key to an unencrypted e-mail address could be a security risk. The problem is that i'm trying to imagine a system that would work with the current infrastructure. We could probably encrypt the private key and then the recipient would need a password (shared over the phone) to access the private key.
This sounds like it's easily solved with an alias system. Right now labels are just local but if they were stored on the chain this would definitely solve your issue.
I register an alias on the chain "patmast3r".
Now you can send XEM to "patmast3r" without knowing the address.
That would definitely be a nice feature! This would make thing much easier.
What about just writing the private key in a document, then using 7-zip to zip it up with a password. Then you could email it to anyone in the world.
A 2nd channel like facebook message, text message, or even phone call could be made to tell them the password to unzip the file.
Someday when we have a NEM mobile app, a really cool solution would be to send a private key in a QR code, but that QR code would also be password protected. A person scans that QR code, the NEM mobile app asks them for a password, and once it is entered the they can sweep the account.
Most blockchain apps for different platforms support making/reading QR codes, but not encrypted QR codes as far as I know.
What about just writing the private key in a document, then using 7-zip to zip it up with a password. Then you could email it to anyone in the world.
A 2nd channel like facebook message, text message, or even phone call could be made to tell them the password to unzip the file.
Someday when we have a NEM mobile app, a really cool solution would be to send a private key in a QR code, but that QR code would also be password protected. A person scans that QR code, the NEM mobile app asks them for a password, and once it is entered the they can sweep the account.
Most blockchain apps for different platforms support making/reading QR codes, but not encrypted QR codes as far as I know.
What you suggest works in general, but you a) have to trust 7zip's encryption and b) this is not really easy.
The encrypted QR code idea is not bad though.
We have to differentiate two problems:
- Send somebody XEM without knowing his address (alias system is perfect)
- Send somebody XEM who doesnt have an account (sending private key is the only option, which always needs trust).