Export wallet from NCC, import wallet in Nano Wallet. If you do not plan to use the delegated key other than for supernodes, you don’t need to deactivate / reactivate delegated harvesting. If you want to do delegated harvesting with Nano Wallet you need to do the deactivation / reactivation so the correct delegated key is used by Nano for harvesting.
See first post: “NIS will need lots of RAM, a minimum of 9GB for the NIS java process is recommended!”
Monitoring accounts should be possible. Also setting up delgated harvesting works as before. Just when you are transferring xem you might end up paying a too high fee.
I tried 12 GB via:
java -Xms12288M -Xmx12288M -cp “.:package/nis:package/nis/:package/libs/” org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter
Still crashes. Here’s the log if anybody wants to take a look:
This is my config-users.properties file:
nis.bootKey = ######################
nis.bootName = USA-NM-ABQ
nis.shouldAutoHarvestOnBoot = true
nis.transactionHashRetentionTime = -1
nis.unlockedLimit = 128
nis.additionalHarvesterPrivateKeys = ######################
nis.additionalHarvesterPrivateKeys = ######################
no space around “|” please
I will also reset my post to the formal status.
Hi I have now installed the Nano wallet having followed the guide (and backing up wlts).
All seems good, and once I clicked on a node, I can now see my balance.
I do want to reset up my supernode (as it was previously on my main account) but I am not sure how to do this?
How do you deactivate/reactivate the original delegated key ?
That worked! I was able to view the LuxTag vote results when connected to my node now :D.
NEM support best support!
Another quick question; I have 2 additional delegated privates keys in my server config but when my node starts it says only 1 harvesters are attempting to harvest instead of 3. Is my syntax correct for the additional keys?
Thanks again!
Syntax is to have a single entry
nis.additionalHarvesterPrivateKeys =Key1|Key2|Key3
again without spaces around “|”
I tried that and now it shows 2 harvesters on boot instead of 3.
nis.bootKey = ###########
nis.bootName = USA-NM-ABQ
nis.shouldAutoHarvestOnBoot = true
nis.transactionHashRetentionTime = -1
nis.unlockedLimit = 128
nis.additionalHarvesterPrivateKeys = ########|########
do all harvesters have enough balance? can you provide the startup log of nis?
Thanks BR. Upgrade done. In regards to the client, is the export from NCC a wlt file or the json file. I tried importing wlt file into Nanowallet - Login - select wallet from local storage - put my password in - then the Sign in screen is greyed out.
Could I not use a private key wallet using my private key from NCC account and continue delegated harvesting pointing at my SN?
Sure, you can create a private key wallet, that works too.
Thanks, but would my delegated harvesting to SN continue working without me having to set it up again? Just being cautious.
@suky321: The supernode can run just as is, it will use the old delegated key which is still active. You can harvest with Nano Wallet though, you would have to do that on your supernode (by putting the key into the config).
To continue harvesting (having transferred from NCC wallet to Nano wallet)
Under ‘Nodes List’ then ‘Custom Node’ it says ‘enter your own NIS node here’
Where do I get that from?
I want to continue running my SN and harvesting as before
To look at this from another angle. If I don’t move from NCC to Nano i.e. do nothing. Will my supernode still continue to earn the daily reward and send harvested block fees to my main account?
As per nevermined’s post , I want to continue to as I was before. i,e, supernode is harvesting on behalf of my main account and sending transaction fees and daily rewards to my main account.
yes, a client’s only purpose is to monitor accounts and to easily create transfers. The supernode is totally independent of that, so it will just work as before no matter if you have a NCC or Namo Wallet running or not.
Perfect answer, that helps clarify things. Much appreciated!
Sorry to be a pain, but I don’t get it
What do I select under the ‘node’ tab?
If I select a node ie: ninja, I can then see my balance etc, my remote status is Active, Harvesting is inactive.
If I choose Local host my balance and info disappears
I tried selecting Localhost, then adding my old NCC delegated boot key (under Custom Node)
but again, this makes the node circle turn red and shows no info.
Harvesting remains inactive with all the configs I have tried.
Advice appreciated