One day NEM would need to power and support different kinds of real time protocols, where real time messaging should be powered by the block chain where information have to flow in the network without having to land on the block chain.
In the very near future we would need to allow decentralized apps to get executed in a distributed manner on top of the NEM block chained network.
THINGS such as CPU, bandwidth, storage, routing, would each require different kind of nodes. There THINGS might not work well as combined in a single block chain.
As one day NEM might require to power and regulate THINGS and different light Blockchain for each THING, it would be very valuable to open doors today in the NEM core platform in a manner that would allow us to easily add such capabilities in the future whenever that is needed.
If you disagree with me, please just explain how CPU, Bandwidth, Storage nodes would operate on the current design of NEM on a single block chain. Will mosaics open gates and regulate these resources?