NEM Community fund for little projects

, or perhaps forum or Telegram accounts.

Proof of Community Activity for smaller Community Projects :slight_smile: anyone dev jump in here, Forum / Telegram activity is usually undervalued, LOTS.

I think some projects we saw during the nem global hackaton were perfect to this kind of funding.
I’m usually in the Community funding groups but almost never anybody approach to us with a small but cool open source project.
The POI I think is not the problem. It;s the project it self. Make it easy to undersand to everybody, make it useful. Some projects are too complicate, asking a lot of money and difficult to get customers.
I like the Japanese approach, they are launching cool small projects with success.

I think you need to be incorporated to even ask for community funds, also a lot of activity on the forums (even I am not classifying). And the 3% rule is just too much of a marketing for 1-2 devs usually.

I would strongly recommend for the NEM Foundation to set up the bounty pool, of around 1M XEM per quarter. Please create the list of needed tools, for example:
-ledger nano integration to nanowallet (100k XEM)
-mosaic transfer integration in mobile apps (50k XEM)
-catapult libraries (10-20k XEM)
-trezor T integration (100k XEM)
-mobile phone voting setion (40k XEM)
-nanowallet/mobile phone send XEM to email module (30k XEM each)
-webcam QR code scan in NanoWallet (10-20k XEM)

If I would be NEM Foundaton member, I would take an effort to create full list of cool features and tools needed. Then I would bug Kristof or Jeff to set up a fund and make it official.
I can’t do that. But you guys can @deleted_user_1 @Trikar_Blockchain @gimre @jabo38

The whole purpose of community fund proposal is to give NEM holders tools for picking up the worthy project and I feel it makes sense in projects bigger than 500k. Foundation is there as the entity curating growth of NEM so should make fast and clear decisions on smaller projects, this is my opinion.
And it’s not only this particular case, I feel Foundation is sometimes turning around the responsibilities. NEM owners (decentralized mass of people) should decide about the things on the macro side, huge projects, development.
NEM Foundation should decide on swift actions, small projects, and ways of executing the will of NEM owners. This is highly centralized entity so swift actions should be their agenda. But the reality is completely different of course.

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I would prefer to help the community make this on their own rather than be a NEM Foundation driven. The community should find interesting projects and commit to them to create a strong NEM ecosystem.

We could promote some little projects, yes, but most of those are quite obvious and perfectly driven by the community. The community shouldn’t wait for the Foundation bounty if they think they can do some little project, they (should) have the tools to do it.

Make a 1M XEM bounty (random number by the way) by the Foundation doesn’t solve the problem.

The foundation will know where the most gaping holes are so they’ll be best qualified to decide which ones to plug.

But yes, community-decided stuff would be more agile. Either way there should be a more lightweight route.

I would like this to happen in a collaborative way.

There are already some initiatives by the community to create more content & software, and those initiatives could be rewarded by NEM Community fund independently of NEM Foundation, that’s my main point.

The main concerns here are:

  1. It’s too hard by an individual to get a reward from community fund because of 3% of importance.
  2. NEM Foundation should publish known gaping holes

I agree with both, but I still have to push that we need community-driven initiatives.

I’ve been talking with different people that have ideas and want to promote them, I would like that those ideas still be community-driven. I would really like that to happen. Other communities that happen naturally, in NEM we haven’t that mindset yet.

I have been trying to engage the community to create software and so on, but this won’t happen if the community doesn’t know their tools to create things or they aren’t promoted enough.

This thread aims to find out the reasons and take some actions to solve them.

If people are committed, we could help define/help in some projects made by the community. A good example is this post → Using a secret lock transaction for an atomic cross-chain swap - NEM Catapult 101

On the other hand, we will work on publishing some project definition of that can be made to fill some gaps we have/know. Does it imply that NEM Foundation will put bounties on each project defined by us? No. Some, but not all of them. The reason is that I do think that the community should help each other, instead of being all NF driven. That should make the community stronger.

Next topic, how do we all do this? How do you think you could contribute in this?


I think there are enough bounties and incentives for all type of projects. Agree with Aleix that more bounties are not the solution. We need more collaboration from the community rather than ask constantly when moon, lambo, catapult, Xem 2$.
There is no lambo and 2xem price if there are not projects. All kind of projects.
As I said, Japanese community are launching easy projects (I think there is no bounty or reward for these projects).

Put ideas and community devs together.
For example make a list of cool and “easy” ideas that can be done with NEM features.
E.G create a POS or invoice creator using XEM for every merchant. Looks like Japanese community did, but its only for JApan. How about do one international.
Voting system. Is there any chance to create a general website without using the nem wallet and people can vote. (So when you vote you have to put your address for paying the fees but without downloading the nem wallet). That website can be use lby other organizations.

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The foundation will proceed with the project proposal, but there are not many results.
At least, most people currently contributing to NEM have not received financial support from the foundation.

But they are already producing results.

This is only a part.
What do you think?



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That exactly the kind of projects should get support from the community itself.

People is pushing hard NEM, they should have the tools to ask a reward to the community instead of waiting for the Fundation.

This way should be more agile and create a more autonomous and stronger community.


I would like a mechanism to support contributors from NEM Foundation.
They are giving out results.

But they should get some support form NF too, like sharing/promoting in social networks. This has to be improved too

We have to push this from community perspective and find the tools to make that happen.

I expect some ideas like, less than 100.000 XEM just X % of the importance is required to fund that via community fund. Create a webpage to promote the community fund… Some ideas like this.

I am aiming to make the community stronger than dependent of NEM Foundation.

NEM foundation should help that happen, but it shouldn’t be lead exclusively by us


I am aiming to make the community stronger than dependent of NEM Foundation.

This is a laudable goal. At the current moment, I think that the community is too dependent on the NEM Foundation and is using as it a crutch in too many places. The point of blockchain is decentralization. Having a centralized organization dictating things top-down down goes against the spirt of that.

Japanese community has been most active and productive because they have started many projects on their own. They did not wait for “partnership” or “funding” from NEM Foundation, they just went ahead and built things. It is commendable, and it would be nice to see more communities follow their lead.

NEM Foundation should be a facilitator, not an authoritarian. It should encourage and teach others to build with NEM, but not tell them what or when to build. NEM Foundation is a key partner in the NEM ecosystem and the development of NEM but it is not THE ecosystem or solely responsible for development.


So true. People keep wanting to be compensated or ‘noticed’. I say build, build, build and the rest will follow. Do you think people find NEM development intimidating, despite it being one of the easiest I’ve encountered? Is it the lack of ideas? What is the reason for a lack of projects?

You make a good point, but I don’t think the situation is this black and white if you think about it… The main issue I have is that, while I agree with you, I also think that for the most part the foundation kept quiet about the features that were worked on being implemented along the way. I routinely heard people (myself included at times) say things akin to “I had no idea NEM was capable of this, or that”. I think there’s a difference between hype and marketing, you can (and should) give people a clear idea of what to expect from a finished product - marketing, without overselling it or raising false expectations - hyping.
So yes, many people in the community (programmers, devs, etc.) have been used to waiting for targets from the foundation, because that was the medium that was being cultivated in these past years (in my opinion). It’s difficult to imagine working on something if you don’t know what that something might be.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that the foundation, devs, anyone working on the blockchain could do a bit more to inspire the community, with clear ideas of what the blockchain is capable of, instead of lists of projects that should be implemented. In my mind it’s a fine line between the two, but one is saying “here’s what this blockchain is capable of doing” and the other one is saying “here’s what you should do”.

I agree with you that marketing/awareness has been lackluster to date and that there should be better outreach. I think foundation’s role should be to facilitate community projects, but not fund or dictate them.

one is saying “here’s what this blockchain is capable of doing” and the other one is saying “here’s what you should do”

In my opinion, the foundation should be focusing on the former of those and leaving the latter to the community.

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Yes, of course the foundation shouldn’t dictate what needs to be done. But inspiring people goes a really long way, especially in emerging technologies where often times it’s difficult to see the full potential of an idea unless you’re spoon fed information about it.

Couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately there is always some “but”.

Recently I am working a lot on applications of Ethereum. And their development is much more organized than the deveopment on NEM, especially that the community is producing even 10x more code and in result tools. Ethereum Foundation is really doing good job organizing all the work. This link is just to see the difference in outputs:

Got many friends in the industry writing tools and improvement proposals on many cryptocurrencies, most of them are on “grants” for completing different tasks. In my opinion that should be the role of Foundation, finding good quality tools, enabling them for the whole community (most of Japanese creations are useless for westerners becuase they are either accessible only from Japan or only in Japanese language), and at the end rewarding the creator with some incentive.

I heard about cases of two community devs working on the same application, resulting in the dev close to foundation getting bounty. That’s why I am pushing for transparency in this area.

Now, the question is why to incentivize people for doing anything NEM-related. And my answer as a guy who was looking for a job as a blockchain dev and finally got one:
NEM isn’t sexy and having it in your CV won’t help. On most of my interview talks in the very blockchain-related high tech comapnies (I won’t mention names) the question was, how much of a smart contract for NEM have I created. Like it was some ICO on Ethereum.
I believe I am pretty close to community and trying to see community’s needs and more developers are leaving NEM for paid work or is interested in scam-ICOs than just spend time on making something NEM-based.

Honestly, when I started in NEM there was a thread on bounties available and I was going for it knowing some of this things may be needed and at the same time I knew I can learn more about NEM and crypto in this process.

In recent days, when developer encounter NEM, how can he/she “join” the process?


maybe it should be possible to lower the target POI% for these little projects proposals.