NEM Fee adjustments?

Quote for the truth

Great, but when do you guess it be changed? One month, three month, six month, one year ?


We will switch over to the new fee structure for testnet within the next few days. Once Nano Wallet and the iOS / Android smartphone Apps are thoroughly tested we can release the mainnet version. Once out it will have a ~3 week delay till the fee fork kicks in.


Fantastic, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Is there still a fee revision at the test net?

testnet has new fee structure. Nano wallet with fee update will be out #soon.


Hi Guys,
Today i run into this youtube.

it says there will be significant reduction in fee. Anyone has any idea when this will happen? I get the latest wallet and the fee seems to be the same.

Latest wallet has adjusted fees for testnet.

The dimcoin ico should help price rise i would think. 10% extra on ico means 40% extra tokens. Clif high recommendation helps

I noticed that sending mosaics requires to send 1 xem. Is that supposed to be the case? Shouldn’t it be eqv to xem? I think those of us looking to develop would like to use the mosaics as much as a payment channel.

This is using the nano wallet 1.4 i don’t know if it is in there, but the other fees look like they are updated…

I’ve tried namespaces and mosaics and transferring so far. I would like to use the nem mosaic as a validation token vs sending a xem. ie; access controls… Users with the mosaic will be granted access to special features or areas of the site.

I also noticed that sending a mosaic from the nanowallet was locked out at 1. Is there a reason I can’t send payment and a mosaic? I would like to use the mosaic as a receipt.

Even when sending XEM it will cost at least 0.05 XEM fee,
Even when sending a mosaic it costs at least 0.05 XEM fee.
If there are two or more different mosaics, each fee calculation is done separately.

Perhaps it is fixed in 1 XEM on the money transfer screen of NanoWallet.
It is displayed in the same manner as NanoWallt in tembex v.3.

Please refer to the screenshot below. I tell Core several weeks ago.

In a sense, there is no harm.

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Please read.
@BloodyRookie @Quantum_Mechanics

on the receiver side, it shows +1 so it does look like it was sent but there is no xem in the balance.

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Yes, correct.
Since it is published in GitHub, I think that it is a matter of priority order.

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So when FEE adjustments on main net?

Latest wallet has adjusted fees for testnet.

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Hello its been 3 weeks since your message do you have a more specific timing for the new fee to kick in mainnet version ?

We need this, it would help with NEM price to grow.

Just keep an eye on Nembex, as it shows you the fork countdown at the top. Today it says the fork will occur in about 5 days’ time.

Hi @BloodyRookie thanks for this , I have been following this projects for almost 6 months now and I gotta say this was the only thing holding us back from adopting nem for development.
I however have one question is it free to send Mosaic between addresses…?
(I am yet to start playing around with the wallets and understand all the features well).