NEM Foundation - Funding Proposal 2019


In the past there was a very easy way.

Basically there was an extra tab where you could manually just search a poll contract address.

I think we will bring that back at least and look at other measures too on how to fix/prevent this in the past.

Making another tab which is “polls I have voted on” isn’t exactly easy but is still doable a couple of ways. The easiest way would still fall to the same problem the current voting center has. If your account had too many txs, it could take a while to sort through. Other ways of doing that become increasingly difficult to code in.

The good news, I’m sure with Catapult, we will be able to design a much better system.

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Then perhaps a clickable link (desktop wallet) or QR-Code to scan (mobile wallet) that brings you directly to a certain poll.

“Polls I have voted on” can alternatively simply be a local storage cache of votes in the wallet so the chain doesn’t have to be scanned.

Local storage is another way and is possible, but also has some drawbacks on a desktop format. For mobile there are some storage possibility that are nice.

Thank you. This means a lot coming from you.

Hi all,

Good news, we have met the minimum requirement for the votes!

Thanks everyone for your feedback and comments. The work begins now.

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or you could just bookmark a poll perhaps

Hi Alexandra, what is a current status of this list?

It’s gut-wrenching for me to have to suspend staff while we restructure NEM Foundation. Behind every number, there is a real person.

Dismissal is required part of restructure NEM Foundation. I’m pretty sure it should be done before NF gets funding. Why? - because we can lose valuable staff. I’m also pretty sure there should be total changes/clearing even if 95% of people have to leave NF. I and rest of NEM community fully support you if you decide to implement it!

I know, "they are good guys" ©, but we dont need "good guys", we need professionals and competent people.


Everything is moving forward as it should. Redundancies have been identitifed and all global staff impacted have been contacted. In addition to managing Human Respurces, we also must comply to worldwide legal requirements. We will communicate to the community when the transition is complete.


Thanks for the answer Alexandra.

hi GodTanu, I can answer for my region:

we were:

Colombia: 4 People
Venezuela 2 People
Uruguay: 1 person
Mexico: 1 person
Chile: 1 person
Brasil: 2 People
Argentina: 2 people
Perú: 1 person
Spain: 2 people

Hi @Pedro_Gutierrez, could you please provide any proof that these people are real, for example their NEM wallets without specifying names or it would be perfect to specify wallets and location.

Thanks in advance

Pedro dont know ours NEM addresses, but we are real. For example, I am spanish ambassador (until last month), I am NEM Foundation Member, even I did a meetup in Spain last week:

And also I have a spanish wiki about NEM:

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Why should not be real?
If you were following the NEM activities last year you should know that LATAM region grew with different ambassadors in the most important latam countries. I spoked with many of them in the Nem Spanish channels. I met NEM partners and friends from Uruguay, Argentina in Australia and Hong Kong who told me about the NEM LATAM team.
I met Fernando in Spain, we were together during the Tutellus meetup! He is helping NEM a lot since the beginning.

In Spain: Ricardo and Fernando
Colombia: Pedro, Alexis
Venezuela: Carlos
Argentina: Sasha
Mexico: Laura
Brazil: Joao y Alex
Uruguay: Ignacio
Chile: Daniel

Same for God Tanu and former Japanese team. A lot of people are not working with NEM anymore and we have to look for another job so please let it go and focus in the future.


I’m sure the vast majority of fitters on the Footing exactly who brought to help Launch usually are NEM EU.
I’m sure which the fitters connected with NEM EU will probably transport to help NEM Science lab.

I have an idea.
Next year’s NEM Foundation budget should be provided by a NEM ventures.
That way, troublesome voting is unnecessary.

Now it ’s time to look back. I believed in your words. Not only you. I believed in the announcements of all NEM Foundation Board and council members.

I understand many difficult things. I think everyone understood it. The NEM foundation sometimes needs to do bulldozing. I hope a quick decision.

Businesses that plan to use catapult have stopped. If you have completed debugging on the developer’s testnet, release catapult immediately. I pray that any other reason will not interfere with the main net release.

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Hi GodTanu !!!

The migration team has already announced that it will air Catapult between February and March, from the moment it is on the air, we hope to see greater adoption in our technology.

The promised schedule we believed was Q4.
There are various discussions now. Only technical elements can tolerate schedule delays.

I will remember various feelings when the next budget is charged Around February 20th 2020.
However, I am grateful for the activities of NEM studio.

RC testnet needs at least three months of testing before it can be released. If there are major flaws or bugs, delays can happen.
Q4 was the best estimate of Foundation at the beginning of the year and it was strived for.
Please remember-putting out a brand new blockchain takes time and Foundation does not control it. We can only control our parts that we contribute.

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Does the Foundation expect a new operating budget in 2020?


We’ve been working on a new proposal for Core and Community. More details will be shared on this in the future.