I tested it yesterday that NEM wallet of ios can be restored from icloud backup.
Here are the instructions
Important thing should be said 3 times.
Always remember to store your own private key!!!
Always remember to store your own private key!!!
Always remember to store your own private key!!!
IMPORTANT, steps below are only tested one time by me and can not be regard as a normal way to store a wallet.
Once you find yourself deleted a wallet that you have not store the private key. Try
- Check if the icloud backup has coverd NEM wallet (Included by default)
2.Do not panic, do not backup again, It may flush your old backup.
Follow the steps in https://support.apple.com/en-ca/ht204184
erase all of its content(if your data loss worth the prise of those XEMs in your wallet) and restore from iCloud backup. - Check if your accounts in NEM wallet has been restored.
If you find it useful, please feel free to send me some ice cream, too hot here in Guangzhou.