NEM logo improvements

I liked ‘Soild Blockchain Tech’, though like @jabo38 said, solid could be replaced with a stronger word, maybe something like ‘superior’?

superior blockchain technology.

now this does sound a bit arrogant for me :smiley: (@rockethead was saying this about “solid blockchain technology.”^^).

what about:
strong. efficient. blockchain.

Is the name, NEM, okay?

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Yes, I think we can still keep that and either not use it as acronym or really be like “nothing else matters” is what it stands for^^

It became a brand , you can’t easily change that. It would have major implications…
So I agree wit mix :smile:

NEM - Think Outside The Blockchain

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The name NEM, is okay but New Economy Movement is kind of weak. Many people don’t want a New Economy, they just want to fine tune the old one, and many people don’t want to be in a movement (though all are wether they know it or not). So it has two different disqualifies in the name right off. There goes a lot of people that we lost at the name.

Yes, I agree we should keep NEM, but the meaning can change …

So, what is NEM? NEM is Nothing Else Matter. Sounds all right.

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not too sure but what about Native Electronic Money ?

Not terrible.

NEM is not only electronic money / crypto currency, but a crypto platform.

Not Electric Money :smile:


Maybe we should give up phrases because it doesn’t seem like we’re gonna come up with anything.
The letters can also stand for words that don’t necessarily have an immediate connection.
Terrible example but just to show what I mean: New Electric Massive. You know ? Just describing stuff in 3 words.

More dumb examples:
Numbers Erections Morons
Natives Echoes Midgets
Numb Elected Misfits

Noble Electronic Money?

NEM is not that wide known

u still could switch to XEM as main name same as the currency

and there u can keep the X without meaning thats just the marker of non country bound currencies

so we could see of a meaning for EM

and the first thing that jump in mind is eMoney

i know thats used already but did they secury the rights for it?

if not we still can claim it

I agree that NEM is not that well known. I also agree that we need to change it. When I think of the big picture, I couldn’t envision the country getting rid of the dollar for something called a XEM or a New Economy Movement. What about when it’s been in use for 10 years? Will we call it the New Economy Movement? Lol

I say we try to imagine a name that rolls off the tongue and something that we could conceivably use far into the future.

Also, regarding eMoney - I think we should steer clear of it. It’s too generic and it sounds so 2000. eFax, eHelp, eMachine. I think this has the potential to be more than “eMoney”…it could be our currency once the world economy fails.

There are some good names out there, and there are some that are just out of hand. I can imagine using a Bitcoin or Dash, but I could never imagine paying my friends a few Boolberries or Ripples (they might be called rupees, I can’t remember). I think we need to big picture this whole idea and develop something that is not just for the crypto community, but for average people.

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I think for the time being we can all agree to at least drop the “New Economy Movement” part and just say “NEM” until/if when we come up with a better name and can change.

i have always have to use NEM/XEM because else its confusing because exchange people know us as XEM
if ya say just NEM most not even know we are XEM and if ya talk just XEM some not even know the currency is not name NEM

regardibg logo in fact i like ur avatar much more than the simple shild logo

better than

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