NEM logo improvements

Tech Bureau was kind enough to proactively hire a designer to improve our NEM colors, as the current color scheme doesn’t seem to be professionally chosen. They also slightly tweaks the font and improved contrast so it looks better at a small size.

What do you guys think?

Should we just use it, or do you want to have a vote? It is not a huge change, but I think the improved version does look better.


We should just use it. No need to waste time voting on that.

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I saw it in the slide, it did look better than the old one.

I like it …

Oh please, no logo debate… Can’t take that anymore. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Just go for it :smile:
If the dev team thinks it’s better, just change it. It’s you guys that have to do the work anyway.


What is the relationship between NEM and Tech Bureau actually? Just wondering how this Mijin thing will affect NEM in the long term??


We will make some announcement about Tech Bureau and NEM in the near future I think.

OK thanks!

I actually think the new logo looks kinda washed out… but please no vote just choose.

I have no issue with the change, but I just can’t stand that “a new economy starts with you”. I feel that it is weighing down the power of NEM more so than making it great. In fact, I cannot stand “New Economy Movement”.

I’d rather rebrand it as Project NEM. Period! So, what’s NEM? Well, what’s R2D2 or C3PO? It is just a code for no real reason. Nothing Else Matters! :smile:

Come to think of it, maybe Nothing Else Matters should be at the bottom as slogan, a subjective allegory of sorts.


I like it.
Let’s adopt the new one!

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If it’s gonna be changed I’d suggest to just swap it everywhere and not say a word about it. No announcement or anything.


The new colors are much better than the old ones. I think we should change them.

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If it’s done, that’s the way. Long discussions and votes were a big distraction before

We would have more important points than a logo to vote for. I would suggest never waste time voting on such minor point.

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Sounds good that we should just change it and not bother about announcing. I second that. But I would like the slogan to be changed though, if we are to change.

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Do it! Change the logo, but please lets try to keep the new one from now on, no change again in the near future.

You know how important a brand is, don’t you?

I definitely support this.

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Slogan for the new NEM:

“Pushing the envelope with Blockchain Technology”

“Realising Blockchain Technology”

“Truly Blockchain Technology”

“A Blockchain initiative”

“Blockchain Technology for all”

“Simply Blockchain!”

“Making Blockchain simple”

“Taking the complexity out of Blockchain”

“Enabling Blockchain Technology”

“A Blockchain platform”

“A rich Blockchain platform”

“Making Blockchain work for you”

“Making blockchain work”

“The blockchain that works”

Here’s a few:

“Tomorrow’s Blockchain Today”


“The Power of the Blockchain”

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maybe we should try to focus more on what blockchain technology can do for people/companies.

my first thought is: it brings efficiency. what else?

I’ve been a fan of 'Nothing else Matters" for awhile now, NEM doesn’t have to mean anything other than ‘nem’. If someone really presses me about it, I’ll tell them it stands for ‘Nothing Else Matters’, with a big silly grin on my face.