Hi makoto,
thanks for your feedback.
Although i am not satisfied with the election process i agree that it's important to have a common public image.
Your discussions and plans about a NEM client integrated voting sounds promising but it might be a little to late for a logo vote if the stakes are already distributed. The community should have a chance to decide about the final logo! Only if everybody feels as a part of NEM we would be able to fully support the movement.
I totally agree with you. If we were to go back in time, we would definitely have asked the community, even if it is just an interim logo. From now on we are definitely going to involve the community more in decisions like this.
Post-V1, the community needs to be able to stand on its own and run things. In the coming weeks, we will come up with some specific ideas (like secure voting using the NEM messaging system) and try to discuss with everyone what a good organizational structure will be (but this thread is not really the place to discuss governance...).
In short: I agree that we should have involved the community more in cleaning up our public image, even if this is just temporary. We'll try to do a better job from here, but also remember that NEM is about
equality of opportunity; anyone can work and help to create/promote NEM, and your ideas will be heard (mostly coordination is done on https://trello.com/b/GEWEPSZJ/nem-promotion).
Specific to owon, thank you for your contributions so far. The address generator is great and helped us to find an important bug!