I am a bit worried about NEM. I want to use the Apostille functionality on a commercial basis - it could be pretty big and successful.
But there are detractors that say that NEM is a scam. They say the fact that the coins were pre-mined, is a strong sign of a scam. Look, I am not saying it, I am just worried about the allegations. I want NEM to be an awesome coin/blockchain, and want to develop on top of it an build a business around it.
I just want to be sure it is going to be around, basically forever, and that it will always be supported etc.
So I really would like to know what commitment/support etc is in place to ensure the continued existence of NEM.
Also, why were all the coins pre-mined? And who now owns all the coins? This is a bit of a concern.
Hopefully this post does not get met with hostility, but a thorough explanation to put my mind at ease. It is the only thing that has been holding me back from going all-in for my commercial venture (which will be very beneficial to NEM, as I would need to do a LOT of Apostille transactions - adding fees to blocks).