NEM Redemption Starts Now

Update: This thread is no longer up to date. However, the real address creation photo guide is still valid.   For the latest info and discussion about redemption please see this :


Important announcement

Phase 2 Redemption Guide

NEMStake(Nxt AE) redemption starts as of RIGHT NOW, and here's how you can do it:

Please install and run the NEM BETA client from [url=] (or [url=] for the standalone version). In the client you'll find the option to create your real address for the live-net. Please follow the steps below in order to do this:

Step one:

Step two:

Step three:

Note: Please be sure to back up your private key, otherwise you will not get any NEM. Please put it in a place where it won't get stolen or hacked.


Now that you've created a real NEM address, you will have to send your NEMStake to a Nxt address in order to redeem it. The address is NOT the issuing account. Please include the NEM address (NOT your private key!) you have created via the BETA Client as unencrypted message in the transaction and send it to NXT-97MX-EWKV-CGKX-DA5WH. IMPORTANT: UNENCRYPTED.

To sum up:

1) Create a real NEM address in the beta, as shown above (The field is to small for the complete address. Make sure you copy the whole thing!!!)
2) Send your NEMStake to NXT-97MX-EWKV-CGKX-DA5WH including an unencrypted message consisting of your real NEM address created with the BETA client, according to the screenshots above. Don't send your private key!

Clarification: With regards to the problem that the popup in the gui which displays the real account data cannot be selected for copy & paste (which some users reported): This is only an issue when using Firefox. We are aware of it and will fix it in the next release. You can use Chrome to have the ability to copy & paste the data.


Phase 2 Btt Stakeholders Redemption Guide

End of Phase 1 on October 31, 2014 (yeah, Halloween)

Phase 1 will end on October 31, 2014. Anyone who is a stakeholder on btt (not on the NXT AE) and hasn't registered his token until this date, will have the opportunity to redeem his stake during the extended period after launch under the already announced limitations outline here

This will also mark the beginning of phase 2. As soon as phase 1 is over the portal will be adapted for phase 2 and we'll let you know once it's ready. When it is ready, btt stakeholders will need to register their real NEM-addresses (starting with 'N'). You'll need to enter your token and an address that you have generated according to "Phase 2 Redemption Guide" which you can see above.

We'd like to remind you to read and follow these instructions very carefully and to keep your private key safe and secret.

Once phase 2 has begun we'll also reset the page to display only people who have registered their NEM-address in combination to their token. It will also show the NXT-Addresseses that have already sent back their NEMStake and the NEM-address that has been registered with that transaction. We urge everyone to check this list to make sure everything is in order! It is your responsibility to make sure everything is alright.


Update: This thread is no longer up to date. However, the real address creation photo guide is still valid. For the latest info and discussion about redemption please see this :

can i get a whoop whoop! can i get a whoop whoop HEY! HEY! ;D

Woop Woop :D:D:D!!!

This is an important milestone! Now please help spread the word to all NEMsters.

awesome news!  :slight_smile:

I'm still getting SSL certificate warnings, which I thought were going to be resolved before this site went live. This could be concerning for some people. Can we get that resolved?

EDIT: Nevermind. I forgot it was a self-signed cert. I just hope people don't get scared off by it. Unfortunately, it seems like people already are.

I agree that the self-signed cert is not the friendliest way to do things. People are already spooked in the land of crypto about everything anyway…

Unfortunately, it would cost too much money and time to buy a cert just for this.

I agree that the self-signed cert is not the friendliest way to do things. People are already spooked in the land of crypto about everything anyway...

Unfortunately, it would cost too much money and time to buy a cert just for this.

It's not very expensive, there are even some for free but I just didn't want to give up my personal creds for the cert.

I agree that the self-signed cert is not the friendliest way to do things. People are already spooked in the land of crypto about everything anyway...

Unfortunately, it would cost too much money and time to buy a cert just for this.

It's not very expensive, there are even some for free but I just didn't want to give up my personal creds for the cert.

Where are there free certs?

I agree that the self-signed cert is not the friendliest way to do things. People are already spooked in the land of crypto about everything anyway...

Unfortunately, it would cost too much money and time to buy a cert just for this.

It's not very expensive, there are even some for free but I just didn't want to give up my personal creds for the cert.

Where are there free certs?

I'd have to google it again. It's often trial certs from bigger companyies that last about 90 days or so. Would have been enough for us but of course they wanted everything down to a urin sample to get that "free" cert.

There has been a drama in the BitcoinTalk forum (BTT forum) recently which involved rather a number of NXTers which may also be the original NEM stakeholders waiting for a personal message. Unfortunately, due to this drama, some of them are banned from BTT forum. Is there another option for these stakeholders, or do they just have some very bad lucks and have to suck it up?

Also. Phase 1 is already started, and I haven't got my token sent via a private message to my BitcoinTalk forum account. What gives? :<

There has been a drama in the BitcoinTalk forum (BTT forum) recently which involved rather a number of NXTers which may also be the original NEM stakeholders waiting for a personal message. Unfortunately, due to this drama, some of them are banned from BTT forum. Is there another option for these stakeholders, or do they just have some very bad lucks and have to suck it up?

Also. Phase 1 is already started, and I haven't got my token sent via a private message to my BitcoinTalk forum account. What gives? :<

Pat can only send 120 tokens out per hours so some won't get theirs for a while longer than others.

If users that have been banned still have the btc/nxt account they used to claim they can send a message from the account as proof. Not sure what else can be done. If the same username is used over at nxt or trust worthy nxters can clarify that user x on nxt forum is user y that got banned on btt then I'm sure something could be worked out.

We don't want anyone losing their stakes so we'll do what we can :)

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

We have updated both the detailed instructions on medium and infographic.

Special thanks goes to amytheplanarshift for providing the updated versions for that.

Thanks for your answer, kodtycoon. :slight_smile:

If I had bought 1 nemstake on nxt ae. What should I do now? How can I exchange it to  my nem.

If I had bought 1 nemstake on nxt ae. What should I do now? How can I exchange it to  my nem.

At the moment, you don't need to do anything.

Please carefully read the instructions in their entirety here:

It will tell you everything you need to know. The redemption process for NXT AE stakeholders begins with Phase 2.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask. :)

It is possible to see the fraction of token that have been claimed?.. would be interesting to see how this is progressing.

It is possible to see the fraction of token that have been claimed?.. would be interesting to see how this is progressing.

Please see this:

Thanks… that's 997 names on that list atm. My links to the google docs founders list are broken… what % of those have claimed or how many were there? Seems like good progress whatever the full list is.

Hi,  I have tried several times but it keeps on saying token is invalid. Tries different browsers as well. Can someone help. I dont see my name on the registered list as well