Great initiative indeed, because such an Open Source community can give insights, examples, etc. from all sides! So summarizing/recycling such a repository might be a very good organization strategy!
I am currently working on a small game which will use NEM mainly for all the business layer logic. I am using the NEM-Library Node JS package published by QM yesterday (29/03).
Do you consider such a game as a Dev Resource that you would like me to add? I will definitely open source this game, probably around the next few weeks. And I was asking myself if this interests you, How do you want us to contribute ?
I have also created a laravel (PHP) wrapper for the NEM NIS&NCC API that I could list on those resources. Yet, I believe first of all must be the official NEM packages (such as the NEM nodejs SDK, the nanowallet source code, etc…)
the laravel wrapper is here: https://github.com/evias/php-nem-laravel
I will update you with info about the game when I’m done with it 