Rich List is located here:
Will update every 24 hours or so once I fix some memory issues with the cron.
Will be adding charts and such and making the block explorer useful. Message me with feature request.
Saving for historical data:
TOP 25 (Data from April 7-2015 cause I am lazy.):
[tr] [td]name[/td][td]address[/td][td]XEM[/td][td][/td][/tr]
[tr] [td]Sustainability Fund[/td][td]NDSUSTAAB2GWHBUFJXP7QQGYHBVEFWZESBUUWM4P[/td][td][right]2 829 375 098.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]Post-V1 Fund [/td][td]NDEVPOSK4OMR4PRTLYFHX4W5QTOND7TZDT2DTU4Q [/td][td][right] 900 000 000.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]Pre-V1 Fund [/td][td]NDEVPRE5ZWVG2PXSM54BGZBFF525G24UKVOGOZNT [/td][td][right] 562 500 000.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]polo-related?[/td][td]NAHPYR2PHSZ5MGXKQSW3HFDMIXM36JBHDHCPXDQB [/td][td][right] 275 000 000.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]Marketing Fund (Launch/V1 Reward) [/td][td]NCMARKECQXP3SQZSJPCBKOQWIXRRI7LIS4FTU4VZ [/td][td][right] 253 125 150.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]Operational Costs Fund I [/td][td]NCOPERAWEWCD4A34NP5UQCCKEX44MW4SL3QYJYS5 [/td][td][right] 180 000 050.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td] [/td][td]NBZMQO7ZPBYNBDUR7F75MAKA2S3DHDCIFG775N3D [/td][td][right] 92 205 088.[/right][/td][td]93[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NDUPGSICQ7665XR2HC4JSTJ54OP5EPZO2QSQVJEK [/td][td][right] 52 200 653.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NDCKMZUZERLCIGABDIJ7U7LP4IARI6EC44YZS2RH [/td][td][right] 52 015 416.[/right][/td][td]4737[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NCEIV52VWTGUTMYOXYPVTGMGBMQC77EH4PUPA5WO [/td][td][right] 50 412 554.[/right][/td][td]6665[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NDWW5TAW4PVRH3SHIORYVVOJMLDSKKQPYPBMEAOK [/td][td][right] 45 005 840.[/right][/td][td]6041[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NBDOYCJLY43IMMXG5TO2HUS32OAKD2FMAKOTOAFD [/td][td][right] 42 646 594.[/right][/td][td]971[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NDN5Z6OVQY4O6AZZ32MB5TBTXBRQ6LEDPVAY72JI [/td][td][right] 36 000 955.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]ND2JAZKNH5FT5JDJZ45FJUT2LMCJTPGY3HQ36HGW [/td][td][right] 35 667 350.[/right][/td][td]7256[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NA6R3QUSPFXV75B4RQTWXUZDVEEFWHUVF6VHSNTL [/td][td][right] 33 420 787.[/right][/td][td]2431[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NA2MYIXXC7RHPRADJUZCWNPYFO3QQ5NIG22AOUKC [/td][td][right] 33 419 190.[/right][/td][td]5651[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NCRGHVKKRV4RQ62P5A7DZS57UPXD4GK2TQFLMR46 [/td][td][right] 30 000 000.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NDER3BPTUKQJFP7XRYME2LPZEGZNA3WMJKSBLAZ6 [/td][td][right] 29 033 966.[/right][/td][td]2154[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NB2HJXAGBCVIXWNLDTEG4EUCYNHD6PP5SJT5J7IL [/td][td][right] 28 809 746.[/right][/td][td]2274[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NADJYD7A2BITYH2L2FFK4SMNQFDNF7WUUQDW6676 [/td][td][right] 27 900 000.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NBP6LCF2GEKJSZG66HJXWA7SW3MS2VSCZ7DWLT7Y [/td][td][right] 27 676 235.[/right][/td][td]5356[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td]Contributors - late claim[/td][td]NCONTRLFKPO6YVXO5WUIJ4SWSCSKBJIPV456RSCL [/td][td][right] 27 562 500.[/right][/td][td][/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NBDBKJMUIAZ7IPVVITVI45PDQW3KYHMMMFGDCZRU [/td][td][right] 25 895 215.[/right][/td][td]0213[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NAJAGFR6N2JPQX6IRXCDKLWWKYIZEHRJDV3WEE7K [/td][td][right] 24 756 122.[/right][/td][td]8508[/td] [/tr]
[tr] [td][/td][td]NAJAGOFNPSJS2SXLJRN5L34CD3QWO7RKY6LQZ757 [/td][td][right] 24 755 459.[/right][/td][td]8386[/td] [/tr]
Quick note. I am providing the rich list for my own s*** and giggles. In no way do I feel the Nem Devs are hiding anything or have done anything dishonest. I am proud to be part of this community! The rich list provides valuable data on the state of the market.
updated: 4-9-2015
Also if you want to run this script yourself:
python code >> filename.csv
open in excel and sort it.
import urllib, urllib2, json, requests
url = ""
response = urllib.urlopen(url);
data = json.loads(
parent = data["data"]
for item in parent:
url2="" % item["address"]
response2 = urllib.urlopen(url2);
data2 = json.loads(
parent2 = data2["account"]
print "%s,%s" % (unicode(item["address"]), unicode(parent2["balance"]))
print('All done')
Kudo's to the folks that have donated to my beer fund!
I'm personally happy that you do, it's important that the community track the funds.
I'd suggest two things:
a) can you put it in a table (for readability)
b) can you group digits by 3, like: 94 560 308.37
who is NAHPYR2PHSZ5MGXKQSW3HFDMIXM36JBHDHCPXDQB? he has over 122 stakes
who is NAHPYR2PHSZ5MGXKQSW3HFDMIXM36JBHDHCPXDQB? he has over 122 stakes
prob one of the funds.
who is NAHPYR2PHSZ5MGXKQSW3HFDMIXM36JBHDHCPXDQB? he has over 122 stakes
prob one of the funds.
polo cold storage i think. that account was filled with 3-4 50-70m transactions or something and now the polo main account only has about 90m in it. no one could have bought that amount of nem on polo in such a short period.. price would be much higher if they that was the case i think..
I'm personally happy that you do, it's important that the community track the funds.
I'd suggest two things:
a) can you put it in a table (for readability)
b) can you group digits by 3, like: 94 560 308.37
Updated number formatting, not sure how to do a table with forum code and too lazy to look it up :-)
edited - added the table, it's simple table/tr/td, but in square tags
If anyone wants to work on this ( html file link below), here is a start. Could be added to ncc pretty easy to get 25, 100 top accounts.
For now, it is made to run in local browser without json calls because of CORS.
Cool! I should buy 10 million more XEM!
If anyone wants to work on this ( html file link below), here is a start. Could be added to ncc pretty easy to get 25, 100 top accounts.
For now, it is made to run in local browser without json calls because of CORS.
Would be really cool to have this in NCC.
nice… could you provide just a list of amounts with out spaces or extra characters… want to turn it into a chart but cant use the data the way it is as i cant separate the data…
"adamnman" on IRC sorted this out for me! thanks!!
numbers on the left of the graph below (and above the columns) are the number of accounts.
bit late now so il try do up some more stats/graphs tomorrow.

btw: top 10% of stake holders (minus the funds and poloniex) hold only 17% of all coins…

One person asking for spaces and another saying no spaces :)
Thanks for doing this! Can't wait to see a real site for it.
If anyone wants to work on this ( html file link below), here is a start. Could be added to ncc pretty easy to get 25, 100 top accounts.
For now, it is made to run in local browser without json calls because of CORS.
Would be really cool to have this in NCC.
I can't think of a good use case for putting this in a client. It would be a good fit for NEMbex, etc, but in the client??
If anyone wants to work on this ( html file link below), here is a start. Could be added to ncc pretty easy to get 25, 100 top accounts.
For now, it is made to run in local browser without json calls because of CORS.
That chart was amazing. Those big 7 or 8 chuncks are all funds used to pay for future NEM development or Polo. The rest is the rainbow of distributinon. Sooooo beautiful. Don't see rainbows on any other coins. By V1 most of those big reserved funds will be empty out but 1 and then that chart will look perfect.
I would like to see a nembex breakdown of distribution out side of the funds.
[s]nice.. could you provide just a list of amounts with out spaces or extra characters.. want to turn it into a chart but cant use the data the way it is as i cant separate the data.. :/[/s]
"adamnman" on IRC sorted this out for me! thanks!!
numbers on the left of the graph below (and above the columns) are the number of accounts.
[img width=800 height=326][/img]
bit late now so il try do up some more stats/graphs tomorrow. :)
btw: top 10% of stake holders (minus the funds and poloniex) hold only 17% of all coins.. :)
Great work. It is gonna be a lot of fun to see how things will change in future whether there will be more whales or more small bag holders.
If anyone wants to work on this ( html file link below), here is a start. Could be added to ncc pretty easy to get 25, 100 top accounts.
For now, it is made to run in local browser without json calls because of CORS.
Would be really cool to have this in NCC.
I can't think of a good use case for putting this in a client. It would be a good fit for NEMbex, etc, but in the client??
My reason for putting in client is for decentralization, having a page in the client with network stats could provide some interesting insight into the network, maybe 90% of people wouldn't care that it is there.
My goal is to write a standalone page that can be placed on any server that provides the features of a block/account explorer in one page. Once done, I will release it and people can do what they want with it.
I labeled it ;D
Check it out:
Still working on features, but just a sneak peek.
Check it out:
Still working on features, but just a sneak peek.
Top job :-D