Divide the number of unclaimed(or the number that would be used for this if it goes ahead) by (number of btt stake holders + (number of AE stake holders who have sent in a nem address + the number of remaining AE stake holders who havnt redeemed)), (result = x), then request that users who want a silver coin make contact via btt account they use to claim or via nxt account. For every user who says yes they want a coin, x stakes get put in the altnemo pot for silver coins. This separates the yes people from the no/no contact people and only people who want a coin can designate their "share" of unclaimed.
Only those who explicitly
Say they want a coin and are ok with "their share" going to this will be included and the "no/no response" people's "share" of unclaimed will go back to community fund.
The silver coins will be more scarce and there will be far less unclaimed silver coins. No one is forced in/out of the deal and altnemo will get as much funding as the community explicitly agrees with and no one will be "speaking for others" or "making decisions for others". It puts the onus on the community to do this or not.
Also with the original plan its all get a coin or none. With this method those who want one will get one and those who don't won't.
Is this an egalitarian process?
Could you fill the table below?
yes i think its the most egalitarian i can think of atleast.
what happens if nemsters say yes/no?
NEMsters who say no will not be given a coin, will not have their "share" of unclaimed coins (or their "share" of the coins that would go towards this if plan A goes ahead) and NEMsters who say yes will get a silver coin and their share will go towards coins
What they give and to whom/where?
What they receive? and from whom/where?
there are a number of unclaimed/sock stakes, and because this is a decentralised movement every participant should have a say in what happens to these stakes. we can know how many stakes would be in a participants "share" simply by dividing the number of stakes by the number of addresses in the nemesis block(thanks rigel) and the number is what we would "assign" to each user. this also eliminates the wealthy accounts having greater benefits or "more voting rights than others" by only basing it on addresses sent in apposed to stakes per account.
the stakes that get approved to be used for this purpose would be used to purchase solid silver coins [custom made] from the perth mint that will also contain some amounts of nem. these coins will then be distributed (or shares for them issued) to those who explicitly agreed for stakes to be used for this purpose. the [small amount] of profit made from the production of these coins would be used to fund altnemo.
in short,
nemsters agrees -> gets silver coin and their "share" goes to the cost of the coin + some profit to fund altnemo
nemsters who disagree/does not comment -> dont get silver coin, their share goes to community fund.
no one gets to say what happens to someone elses "share". no one is forced into an agreement with or without prior knowledge. those who consent can move forward with the deal even if everyone else disagrees. and no one can put any blame on anyone else but themselves if anything doesnt go to plan as they will have consented to the deal.
plus, how much of a fail would it be if 2500+ coins are minted and less than 500 get claimed? :/