NEM Supernode Command Line Tutorial for Debian 8.4

Hi, thx for good tutorial, I have ubuntu 14 server and it gives error “systemctl: command not found”, is there workaround?

There’s a way to install systemd on 14.04:

Otherwise you’d have to google how to enable a service using upstart which is the default daemon for ubuntu 14.04.

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Got my supernode up very easily, thanks :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for the good Tutorial! I had a bit difficulties in using vim, but I found a good help for me at

You’re not the first one to say that vim is a bit difficult to use, which is why I’ll add a comment that using nano is also an option.

My Supernode already shows up, is there a NEM Account i can Tip you? I never would have done this alone…

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Awesome! I’ve also added your link to the German tutorial in my latest update. If you want to tip me: NCL5QL-N2GDBW-EUSIBP-7G7BMC-I6IAEN-G66YPX-B3MA

is the Digital ocean $20/month droplet sufficient?

Yes, that should be fine.

My SN is still failing the computing power tests. Can you tell me where to find the servant log and how to copy it via ssh? Or do I have to activate logging first?

You can download the log files via the terminal:

Current servant log:

scp root@YOUR-SERVER-IP:nem/node-rewards/servant/logs/servant-0.log ~/Downloads/

Current nis log:

scp root@YOUR-SERVER-IP:nem/nis/logs/nis-0.log ~/Downloads/
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hmm, it says “permission denied” but I´m logged in as root?

Edit: wrong command copy… now looks like it worked, (“100%, 20kb”) but I can´t find it in download directory.

Do you use OSX? If yes the file will be in your download folder if not you’ll have to adjust ~/Downloads/ to something that makes sense on your system.

My node is still failing in computing power. Do you think it would help to top up to 2 CPU / 2 GB?
And if I do so, what should be changed in config files (Swap,…)?
At actual Rate this pays out in one Day, so I prefer to do that rather than screwing around with no daily return.

@BloodyRookie is convinced that a single core and 1GB of RAM is enough. If you switch to the stronger vserver though I’d still create a swap file if none exists (2GB if your vserver has 2GB of RAM). You could also increase the memory given to NIS and the servant (perhaps 1GB and 256MB).

what provider/VPS are you using?

Digital ocean 1GB?

No, it´s the Hetzner CX10. I´m moving to Century Link right now, hope thats better.

I followed this guideline and thought that I’ve set up a Debian supernode entirely, but every factor is FAIL result.
Would you mind if you check my node that has ? What’s wrong with my node?

@kaito: i see in the logs

WARNING TheCoffeeTimes did not reply to ping, reason: org.nem.peer.node.ImpersonatingPeerException: entity source cannot be verified

That means you didn’t supply the correct delegated public key.

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posted in wrong thread, see NEM Supernode Rewards Program