NEM Supernode Rewards Program

I had a “FAIL” test this morning by my supernode (which is curious, as I had tones of PASS tests before) - will I get payment today or not? (My node is “LinuxCZ”, Nr. 127 in “supernodes table”) … thanks.

Nope, no payout for this set of rounds (681 - 684).
I am still investigating why we see occasional responsiveness tests failures. What provider are you using?

So, could you process next test and if this will PASS, than sent a today’s payment ? This failure really probably isn’t on the (my) server’s side - it’s connected thru 1Gbps eth port to the core network, very near to NIX (biggest Czech peering exchange). I run NEM supernode on virtual server, but the physical server “behind that” is also more than powerful (very new IBM server, more than enough of RAM, etc.) … so, performance is also not an issue at all.

how to change the supernod’s public key? what should i do?

No, sorry, you missed that payment. My node Alice2 had bad luck too and received no payout due to the same problem of failed responsiveness test. Usually the failures are not often. But of course i am investigating them.

To change the public key you have to sende a message from the account you used to enroll to my account
I will then deactivate the current entry in the database and create a new one.

Hmm, great start with payment process for me (and for you too, as I see). Hopefully tomorrow we’ll be more lucky :slight_smile:

Just want to say congratz on the official launch of the Supernode Reward Program. Great milestone in NEM history. Is anybody aware of any similar programs for other cryptocurrencies or might this be a first? Keep up the good work BloodyRookie…

I don’t know of any other crypto currency with a node rewards program.

NSC program in NXT, rewards in NSC currency for forging nodes :slight_smile:

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The following nodes have configured a wrong key in either NIS or Servant (or both):

  • TehSuperNode
  • July
  • June

July and June are both my nodes and i had fixed the wrong key configure yesterday. please check them one more time.

ah yea, looks good now :slight_smile:

Fixed. Apparently my NIS was overwritten when I upgraded to 0.6.75 yesterday so didn’t have a key.

NEM Supernode rewards payment (689-692) missing for nodes passing all tests.

Madonna Mia … it looks like there was another fail with responsiveness (round 690), very probably due to same bug, and I (and maybe not just me ?) missed eligible reward payment again!

BloodyRookie, this is really sad (and a little bit annoying) - even if my node is fine & healthy & powerful, I just got 33% of my payment reward, due to (very probably) error in testing script.

I absolutely understand (I’m Linux engineer & network specialist, so I do similar kind of work), that tracing and solving of network problems is sometimes really “deep and bloody black magic”, sure. If you want, you can send me a code, which is responsible for measuring of responsiveness of supernodes, I can researching over the solution together with you.

In any case, I have proposal with two quick workarounds :

No.1 - if supernode fails (just) with “responsiveness” test, mark it as “semi-fail” and repeat (just this responsiveness) test again, e.g. after 15 minutes. If it fails again, then finally marked it as “FAIL”, otherwise change the final status as “PASS”.

No.2 - for the reward purposes, you counting last four rounds of tests, correct? So, what about change the rules and to acknowledge specific supernode as “payment-capable”, even if one of four tests will FAIL (due to “responsiveness error”) … or 0/4 will FAIL, of course (as it is implemented now).

If this “ghosty error” affects not just me, but also some other providers of supernodes, I’m afraid that they would be sad and disillusioned, which would be a big shame - because the idea of Supernodes rewards is excellent! And I (and not just me, I’m pretty sure) highly appreciated your hard work on it. So, I’d like to say big thanks for your activity in any case. And I hope we’ll solve this trouble soon… the sooner the better ;-).

Is there a way of posting who got paid and who didnt? I know this would be a headache manual but is there a way of automating it. I think i missed the 1st payment and noting today (It might not be out yet).

which one?

Your node Xnode failed utterly in round 681, no idea why, but it was more than one test that failed.
You can check the last rounds here:

@KloNEM: It is strange, your node was doing fine all the time and now it started to fail the responsiveness tests.
Since it clearly is depending on the network connection or the provider, i don’t think it is a bug in the master program. The master is written in Java and uses nem.core features, are you familiar enough to analyze?

With regards to No.1 and No.2, i don’t really like the idea of repeating the test or letting a node fail a test and still make a payout. But i can discuss the issue with other core members.

EDIT: Can you give me the specs of the server? How much ram do you give to NIS?