NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Thank you so much, I count on you. I have just sent a message.

New entry is

Hi , BloodyRookie.

I changed 3 SNs 2GB to 8GB,and changed nis startupscript to Xmx5G,Xms5G. 24hrs ago.
they did not change IP-address,deligated-keys,and so on.
I think they works fine,isnā€™t it?

but NEM node reward says fails. have I any problems?or just be waiting? 755 756

The public key displayed in the links above is different from the public key that is in the database. For example
which is your main accountā€™s public key while in the database is see
which is the delgated public key of the account. Donā€™t use the main private key on the supernode, that is risky!

So change the config and use the delgated private key please.
Same goes for the other two servers of yours.

I see,
I check it soon. thank you.

Hi @BloodyRookie - wanted to add my new super node in.
My enroll txHash is d795a292f97f9108301868090cbb54d166a351ec7929c80a0808fc967ddfe6e6, can you please check if the TX is fine?

It was successfully judged and passed on the correctly registered node. Thank you very much.

Hi, neverminded, was the change (to -Xms3G -Xmx3G) successful for you ? There is absolutely the same problem by me ā€“ I have ā€œrock solidā€ node, passed all the test for couple of months, 16GB RAM (just on Linux), and last week I have repeatedly troubles with Height and Chain part in the measuring (and thus my node is failing the tests). Upgrade from 0.6.93 to 0.6.95 doesnā€™t solve the situation.

I guess it was since he didnā€™t state the opposite :slight_smile:

I added the new entry:

Hi @BloodyRookie I have just sent to your NEM account message to change my NEM supernode ip.
So please change ip to


Was changed automatically by the bot.

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Version 0.6.95 is available:

Please upgrade your supernode to have at least 4GB RAM. Generally the more RAM the supernode has, the better it is. Also donā€™t forget to adjust the java startup params. If you have 4GB available for the node you should set

-Xms2800M -Xmx2800M

in the startup script (which is by default)

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New enroll txHash is 29023810ddc98dfadaa89d3ad7ad444ef21387b7cdcf25024a2e3a45fd784d59 for another new node ninja2016, can you please check if the TX is fine?

  • thanks for the earlier addition for ninja3. it works.

New entry is

Hey BR. My has also only 2 GB RAM and is failing again and again
I just asked HostUS to give me another node with 4 or 8 GB.
It may take a day until it is paid and running and Iā€™ve a new IP.

I thought that was the Then I know why this does not work for me

i donā€™t know about your setup on your supernode. How do you start NIS?

Hello, how i can solve the problem with Chain height?
I have that problem 4 times in a row. And last time i had really strange value of Chain height. But last check of chain height in logs looks like
2018-01-04 09:27:21.510 INFO block height: 1444724 (org.nem.nis.service.PushService m)
2018-01-04 09:27:21.510 INFO isLastBlockParent? true; last block height: 1444723; hash: 012e6ff56ef3434575ecd1df0b04c701b69028eabcde83fd9b6f7d2bd0d732e6 (org.nem.nis.BlockChain a)

What i did wrong>?

See my post above: