NEM Supernode Rewards Program

You probably mean catapult. The specs are not yet known. It will not require java.

Yes yes, catapult… i was thinking of catapult when asking… :sweat_smile:
Thanks :grin:

Nazdar kolego :-). Som rád, že čítam češtinu :-). Odkiaľ si? Ja bývam u Brna. Si nejako aktívnejší v komunite? Si v ČR a SR skupinke na Telegrame a podobne? Kľudne si ma pridaj na FB (Ján Jakubík), či telegrame (tam som tiež @janikjan). Rád sa spájam s ľudmi, čo sú zainteresovaní v NEMe. O to radšej so Supernode ownerom.

I also have same Questions, I want to know more about this topic from this topic, At the same time If anyone faces any problem related to AOL they can visit Aol Support to fix your problem.

Each supernode needs its own account, using a single account for multiple supernodes is not possible.

hi, everything is running stable but occasionally we get responsivness failure, solely. what’s the reason behind that? thx.

Hard to tell why your supernode occasionally fails the responsiveness test. Can you give me your node’s name?

nemster & nemster_2

both are hosted on the same cloudservice and fail responsivness simultaneously.

Well that suggests that it was a problem of the hoster i guess.

Im currently presenting the responsivness failures to our hoster. Is there a way I can see all past test failures with time and date?

The only request that is related to test results that exists is

which is a POST request and needs an object supplied that looks like

“alias”: “HugeAlice2”,
“roundFrom”: 1000,
“numRounds”: 10

Parameters should be selfexplaining.
The returned result looks like

“data”: [
“dateAndTime”: “2016-08-22 20:53:55.993672+00”,
“round”: 1000,
“testResult”: 255
“dateAndTime”: “2016-08-23 03:05:33.315714+00”,
“round”: 1001,
“testResult”: 255
“dateAndTime”: “2016-08-23 09:16:57.188678+00”,
“round”: 1002,
“testResult”: 255

The testResult field exposes all test results for that round.
The bits for the value are (from 0 to 7):

nodeVersionOk Indicates if the node version test was passed.
chainHeightOk Indicates if the chain height test was passed.
chainPartOk Indicates if the chain part test was passed.
responsivenessOk Indicates if the responsiveness test was passed.
bandwidthOk Indicates if the bandwidth test was passed.
computingPowerOk Indicates if the computing power test was passed.
pingOk Indicates if the ping test was passed.
nodeBalanceOk Indicates if the node balance test was passed.

so many technical discussion here… hmmm any tutorial for newbies ?

Here are a few:

Thanks for the link provided

Hello BloodyRookie, please help me change ip, the tx hash:



Changed the IPs manually.

hi Rookie,
so my hoster cant find any responsibility for responsiveness failures. Today there was another test failure for round 3476. Could you give something with what I can get back to the hoster for this particular round? The guide you gave me here I don’t understand it.

Again both nodes from the same provider failed the test in the same round. If I were you, i would change the provider. The provider will never admit that it was his fault.

ok, I will test different hoster if current hoster cannot solve issues.

I want to make sure that current Hoster cannot solve problem, before fresh installation on new hoster. They are asking if we can provide any further error messages apart from failed responsiveness tests. I know you basically answered that question with last reply, just want to double check. Difficult to grasp for me that a German top 5 cloud hoster has unsolvable technical issues. Thx!