NEM Supernode Rewards Program

ok understand but an increased of supernodes will do people to keep the xem and buy more
if not increased and xem per day going less day by day
because more supernodes built every day

one day a lot of people sell his xem and that maybe dump the coin a lot

thats my thoughts

if a user shuts down his/her supernode, the remaining nodes will receiver a higher payout. So there will be some kind of equilibrium reached.

ask to add us at these

Integration with trezor, ledger, jaxx and one that still cannā€™t be revealed

Hello @BloodyRookie

I have changed my old DNS name from to,

Please check if this has been registered at your side, thank you.

You have sent ā€œChange alias to ninja3.dynu.netā€ but it is not the alias you wanted to change, it is the ip :wink:
Try ā€œchange ip to ninja3.dynu.netā€

actually both the IP and DNS name has changed. will re-enroll again.

ok message sent:
enroll ninja3

can you see it? @BloodyRookie

You cannot enroll a second time with the same public key. Why donā€™t you just do what i advised you to do above?

Hi, thanks for that info:

I have sent this message:
change ip to

can you see it?

didnā€™t work, have to check with QM what the reason is.

hi @bloodyrookie,
any updates on my node issue? >> change ip to

what is QM?

QM = Quantum_Mechanis, the guy who coded the enroll bot.
Seems there is a problem with retrieving the location from the domain name
But that is not your fault.

Edit: QM said he will look at it tonight.

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BR, or any one who can provide insight to clear up frustratingly scattershot results being reported from my infant supernode @, much appreciated.

Seems to be a weak node, what are the specs for the node?

ok please keep me posted, thanks @BloodyRookie

Itā€™s a HostUS KVM-2 VPS,, 2GB RAM/2 Core CPU CentOS 7. Believe some or all of my issue is due to poor design, having root domain as hostname and nameserver config is not ideal. I will take server offline later this evening, refresh build, re-register supernode using sub-domain or IP and monitor results.

That is a decent system. so it must be slow domain name resolution or something similar i guess.


My node (#127) failed in round #1847 in ā€œresponsivenessā€ field. It was happened several times in the past - and by each this fail Iā€™m pretty sure, that response/connectivity of my (super)node is allright/fine/as_usual. So it must be some network outage between my node (Europe) and (that round) measuring node (e.g. in U.S.). I understand that these situations should happened (and sometimes they happened), but - of course - I have a ā€œsad feelingā€ from this result. Even if my node is working well, serving clients (at least from Europe rank) well, Iā€™m missing my (deserved) reward - again.

So, BR, is there any idea, how to improve the tests or this ā€œresponsivity partā€ of tests ? Is it possible to do repeating attempt (if 1st attempt failed in any reason), with longer delay between 1st and 2nd attempt, for example? Or, if there are several measuring nodes in several locations (suppose they are?), could the 2nd measure provide another node (from another location), if 1st-round-node failed (or the test failed from any reason) ?

Of course I understand that it means extra-work for you (and I guess youā€™re already overloaded enough, regardless to supernodes portfolio), and that the whole measuring process becomes more complex. On the other hand, it would be more fair to all operators of their supernodes.

Thank you.

The master is repeating the test 3 times if the node fails because the response was too slow. If more than one response is missing then the node failed the test with getting another chance.
Looking at the last 45 rounds, your node failed only one time. I think that is acceptable.
If you have the feeling you have to get those last 2% too, you should consider choosing the US as location, maybe it helps. But even then there is a chance the connection to the master isnā€™t stable.

@BloodyRookie thanks, my node ninja3 is working now.!