NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Inicially i used the standard RAM:

java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -cp “.:./:…/libs/” org.nem.deploy.CommonStarter

I’m changing the valor of RAM, from 512M to 4G, but with identically result: high responsiveness…

Three days ago I formatted the PC and reinstall all nis and account, but the web “” only show results to Fri Mar 04 2016 20:34:25 GMT+0000. ¿Some wrong?


@orbedragones: both NIS and servant seem to answer rather slowly or time out. Can you reboot again?

The result on the node rewards server are a little old cause i had to upgrade the master and lost some rounds.

In the servant logs I see this error continuously:

2016-03-10 21:07:01.062 ADVERTENCIA ping completed with exception: org.nem.core.connect.InactivePeerException: (org.nem.rewards.servant.servlets.PingTaskServlet lambda$performSingleRound$9)

Any idea?

Hmm . had a few fails today. no idea why. I restarted nis and servant anyway so we will see with the next checkpoint

Update. still failing today except ping and bal. enter link description here

Any thoughts?

Update: round 383 and all is well

fragout1, in round 383 it will be better again.

That is nothing to worry about.
But your servant is either not running or misconfigured.

Editing Your Supernode IP and Alias
Some node admins will need to change there IP from time to time as they move hosting services. Or at some point a node admin might want to change their node name.

In this case you will need to prove that you are still the owner of the account by sending a message from the original account used the first time to enroll. Send the message to NAFUNDBUKIOSTMD4BNXL7ZFE735QHN7A3FBS6CMY.

The message for IP’s should be formatted like this, change ip <old-ip> to <new-ip>, so basically, “change ip 123.456.789.012 to 098.765.432.109”.

The message for alias’s should be formatted like this, change alias <old-alias> to <new-alias>, so basically, “Change alias oldname to newname”.

Also please leave a message at the bottom of this NEM Node Rewards thread so that Bloody Rookie knows he must check the above account for new messages.

In servant/ I didn’t enter my IP address, but only my hostname at the field.
Also, in the enrollment message I didn’t mention my IP address, only my hostname (
If I understand it correctly, in my case I don’t have to send a message to the official node rewards account if I move a supernode to another IP address.
(Of course I do have to change the IP address of the hostname in my DNS server when I move my server. But I don’t have to send a message to the node rewards account as long as I leave all the configuration files the same.
Is this correct? Thanks.

The way I understand it. Yes. That is correct.

Round 383 was fine. Failing bandwidth, computing power and ping

@fragout: either the servant is not running or port 7880 is not open. Your node is not answering:

Or yre you running a version prior to 0.0.4?

Strange. servant wasnt shut down but i restarted it anyway {“application”:“Servant”,“publicKey”:“f3fb18361b85849a5f9e6ee06d24e72dbbf0a18da92f147d26456f00a43fd9dc”,“version”:“0.0.4-alpha”}

New router coming tommorrow so I will need to set that up also. As i am on the subject. Is it possible to run the node on a Nas, Ubuntu Vm. Its got 4core, 8gb ram (what would Nis need?)

Is there anyway to trigger some sort of an alert (email) if your node goes down or fails a test when we go live. Could it be triggered through the status page maybe? Im not sure its even possible, but it would be real handy

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There are programs like supervisor on linux related OSes that monitor software and restart it in case it was shut down.
But there is no plan to inform supernode users that their node failed in a round.

Need to change my IP. Sent the transaction. tks

Running into trouble since my ip changed. I updated the servant config file with the new ip. Checked my ports on port checker but I am still getting no responce from
Screen shot of Nis and servant running. Any ideas?

@fragout1, i am getting a response from your servant.

Strange. I get This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.

Still getting no response from but I am passing the tests again so I guess “Crisis” over

Can someone else check if the his servant is reachable?

I don’t get any response when I click on that.