NEM Supernode Rewards Program

regarding the reward program: What will happen when the funds have all been paid out? How long will this reward program last?


that is not decided yet.

My node’s name is Gambit_WI and it has failed the last 3 chain heigh. How do I fix it?

Probably a restart of NIS will fix it.

Hi BR, I am an agent of supernode “dawon”.
My client changed supernodes ip address.
Please check it out.


Did not work, maybe because of the “008” instead of “8” in the ip?

change ip to

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I have restarted my NIS and it is still failing

Seems synced now:

Just wait…

Ok thanks. I rebooted the server.

please deactivate: Maple-Leaf

Also just enrolled new Supernode:

Will the cost of these supernodes come down? 1 million euro to start harvesting seems a bit steep.

to start harvesting you need little more then 10k xem :wink:
its about 4k euro, i guess

ok, thx.

There will be a database maintenance on 2017-12-17. The master needs to be shut down for a while to clean up the database. There will be a delay in the testing, so don’t be surprised if the subsequent payout is later than you think it should be.

Supernode Nemster_2 hasnt recevied payment for 13th Dec. Nemster_1 has. Will that outstanding payment still go through?

can you send that in a message to


from the account you used to enroll Maple-Leaf?

which rounds is the missing payment for?

Ok done …


Also just enrolled new Supernode: