NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Then why have 3GB if you don’t use it? Give 1.8GB to NIS, see if there is enough left for the servant (java always uses more than the heap you propose in the startup script)

I thought NIS would use as much as it should need.
I’m gonna see about asigning more memory to the NIS.
Would that solve the “garbage collection” problem?

It uses as much as you give to it in the start script.

At least it should hold out longer.

Hi, I changed server for my supernode with id 813 (change ip to Could you please change it for me? I sent a message already.


There is a report that an error of “FAILURE_TRANSACTION_CACHE_TOO_FULL” will be issued from ordinary users now.
A considerable number of transactions are sent from NAIRDP-QSERVY-6OZ4SB-YSFTKD-KESDFU-GPWI5I-WF2O.

Since the beginning of this address is N AIRDP, it seems to be NEM China AirDrop.

Just to be sure, I will report it.

i don’t see totally full blocks, just almost full blocks in the chain. So the cache shouldn’t be full.

Currently in Japan, similar inquiries are coming from application producers and voters.


@BloodyRookie please reactivate Supernode #569 with updated public key 6e58217fe414dad231a0ba28e2175238d6d79519fb0cc58db08eaac23d5a31b5

shows 0 balance?

This is the correct public key 520549e01df86a1ca0b5870c90e987251d920ba3d28e7ed08430d4af81b0a845

New db entry is:

Hi! Help me please
The reason for this problem?

Your database seams to be stuck at block 1425248. Restart NIS to reload the database and see if it start loading the new blocks.
If it stays stuck at the same height, download a snapshot of the database and restart NIS.

as @meyns said, restart NIS and it should work again.

Ok)) Thanks

I have a web page that I built getting my wallet info from api on my node. This morning it stops working. Is it something on my end or is there some maintenance going on?

No maintenance going on. Maybe your node is down?

These days some of all nodes are red for reason wrong Height and Chain part.
Today two my nodes turned out to the same situation.
Downloading right db file and restart corrected the work (hope, I will watch).
It needs to update db file from 1380k to 1430k at
Because download process take almost an hour to get 50k blocks.

Same here, last couple of days I am failing with the Height and Chain part.
I have restarted Nis to see if this helps.
Which file did you download from ? so that I have something else to try, should the restart not work.
