When I stay at “http://supernodes.nem.io/map” the expansion of NEM-Servers is very localised. Mayby we need a incentive for stable server for the rest of the world ?
right now the map is pretty lopsided. It is basically Europe and the US, and two cities Japan and Sydney that are doing okay. Everyone else is kind of a one off.
I wouldn’t mind seeing something like, “first node in your country can enter node rewards for a 2.25 million deposit”.
I bet there are a lot of people in a lot of countries that have 2.25 million and would run a node on their home computer or at least try.
That would be a pain though, it would mean manually updating a database I guess.
I can build a few in canada and Great Britain if you would like. I wouldnt even charge you the full 2.25 million Half would be nice though just to keep them up and running.