NEM Symbol Release (05-Mar-2021)

NEM Symbol Release Announcement


We are pleased to announce the release of various components in the Symbol release. This is a relatively lightweight release intended to resolve discreet and specific issues ahead of launch.


  • Core, REST + SDKs releases are provided; fixing most known P1 and P2 issues
  • Symbol Bootstrap is included to incorporate the above and security enhancements in preperation for Mainnet

Release Components

The main release components are below:

The main 10 NGL nodes have been upgraded already, the remaining ~500 will be upgraded in batches over the next day or so.

Launch and Snapshot Date

Remains unaffected by this release

Changes Overview

A quick summary of the changes is below, see full release notes for details:

  • Server: a deadlock resolution fixed, BIP32 and BIP39 SDK support added

  • REST: Zero MQ web sockets cap to avoid large numbers of wallet/explorer users causing Rest crash on the main default nodes (was seen last couple of weeks)

  • SDKs: Updates to support the above and a schema issue

  • Symbol Bootstrap: Recovery process fix, include all the above images and several enhancement to add flexibility for more secure node deployment - a guide for this will come in the next few days, docs are in the repo.

Next/Additional Releases

The following additional releases are expected shortly:

  • Wallet(s) are expected in the next few days with Offline Transaction Signing and a HD Wallet issue resolution.

  • Ledger App update also expected due to the HD Wallets issue resolution

  • Final Mainnet versions of everything will be packaged in preparation for launch!

NEM Symbol Release Announcement:

A short while ago the below was posted on the public Slack channel:

Hi All,

  • The server is released( is the testnet version)
  • Core testnet nodes have been upgraded.
  • Extra 500 nodes will be upgraded by region over the next day or so.

The api nodes endpoints are:

The faucets can be found at:

Explorer is here:

For those interested in testing out running a test network node :

Release [0.4.5] - Mar-5-2021 · nemtech/symbol-bootstrap · GitHub

How to Upgrade your Testnet Node

Before upgrading, it’s recommended to backup your node’s target folder

Install the latest bootstrap:

npm install -g symbol-bootstrap

Peer Node Only

If you are running a Peer only node, run:

symbol-bootstrap start -p testnet -a peer --upgrade (-c myCustomPreset.yml)

The --upgrade option will recreate your server configuration, docker configuration, and upgrade the format of addresses.yml without dropping the existing data or generates keys.

Dual Node or API Node

If you are running an API or a Dual node, run:

symbol-bootstrap start -p testnet -a api --upgrade (-c myCustomPreset.yml)

symbol-bootstrap start -p testnet -a dual --upgrade (-c myCustomPreset.yml)

If you wish to reset to a new/clean testnet node, --reset instead of ‘–upgrade’ will clear up all your data and keys. The keys will be regenerated if you are not providing them with a custom preset. Note that a resync is likely to take >24 hours due to the size of the chain.

It’s worth double-checking that your docker services are running. Validate the services logs and check that your node’s keys and accounts are valid.

For new nodes, you can also follow: Running a Symbol Testnet Node

Symbol Release Notes

Core Server

Github: (awaiting tags)

[] - 26-Feb-2021


  • sdk: basic support for BIP32 and BIP39 ### Fixed
  • fix deadlock between timesync and node selection, #162
  • addressgen - fix matching logic when no substrings match


Github: Release v2.3.4 · nemtech/catapult-rest · GitHub

[v2.3.4] - 5-Mar-2021


  • Account endpoint pagination issue.


  • Max zmq socket connection cap.

Symbol Bootstrap

Github: Release [0.4.5] - Mar-5-2021 · nemtech/symbol-bootstrap · GitHub

[0.4.5] - Mar-5-2021

Milestone: Hippopotamus(

Package Version Link
Symbol Bootstrap v0.4.5 symbol-bootstrap
  • Added privateKeySecurityMode. It defines which private keys can be encrypted and stored in the target/addresses.yml:
    • ENCRYPT: All private keys are encrypted and stored in the target’s addresses.yml file. Bootstrap will require a password to operate.
    • PROMPT_MAIN: Main private keys are not stored in the target’s addresses.yml file. Bootstrap will request the main private key when certificates are generated, or transactions need to be signed by the link and enrolProgram commands.
    • PROMPT_MAIN_VOTING: Main and voting private keys are not stored in the target’s addresses.yml file. Bootstrap will request the main private key when certificates are generated, or transactions need to be signed by the link and enrolProgram commands. The voting private key will be requested when generating the voting key file.
    • PROMPT_ALL: No private keys are stored in the in the target’s addresses.yml file. Bootstrap will request the private keys when they are required by the different commands.
  • The preset.yml doesn’t contain any private key anymore, encrypted or otherwise.
  • Certificates are not re-generated if not needed when running --upgrade. In this case, the main account private key is not required and will not be requested with the PROMPT security modes.
  • Voting key files are not re-generated if not needed when running --upgrade. In this case, the voting account private key is not required and will not be requested with the PROMPT_ALL or PROMPT_MAIN_VOTING security modes.
  • Public keys can be used in custom presets in addition to encrypted private keys. If public keys are used, Bootstrap will prompt for the private keys when required.
  • Added encrypt and decrypt commands to encrypt custom presets and decrypt generated target/addresses.yml files:
  • The --upgrade param can be used to change the server keys without dropping the data.
  • Splitting userconfig into server-config and broker-config for each service.
  • Fixed recovery process.

SDK - TypeScript/JavaScript

Github: Release v0.23.3 · nemtech/symbol-sdk-typescript-javascript · GitHub

[0.23.3] - 5-Mar-2021

Milestone: Catapult-server main(

Package Version Link
SDK Core v0.23.3 symbol-sdk
Catbuffer v0.1.1 catbuffer-typescript
Client Library v0.11.1 symbol-openapi-typescript-fetch-client
  • Fixed NodeVersion schema issue.
  • Added onclose event listener to capture unsolicited ws close event.

SDK - Java

Github: Release [0.23.2] - 5-Mar-2021 · nemtech/symbol-sdk-java · GitHub

[0.23.2] - 5-Mar-2021

Milestone: Catapult-server finality (

  • Improved Listener allowing multiple addresses and aliases to be provided.
  • Listener can resolve cosigners of a multisig. The user can receive notifications from all the accounts related to multisig.
  • Listener can resolve aliases of an address. The user can receive notifications related to an account and its aliases.