Hi everyone,
Switzerland has decided upon a “E-ID-Gesetzt” (law for electronic ID) and is open to private solutions. E-voting and E-ID are topics discussed for a long time now. The reservations held by those against are mostly because they only know about centralized solutions (which are not tamper proof as we know).
I summarized the recent developments in my latest article on medium: Swiss electronic ID — a New Kid on the Blockchain?
Why am I excited about this?
Switzerland has a very strong fundamental democracy. If NEM/mijin got accepted as a viable option for tamper proof E-ID and maybe even E-voting, this could be a super strong precedent for future usages of NEM/mijin.
I think we (not only the very few Swiss users I know) should make this a community interest. If NEM could get licensed as identity provider it would be in the interest of the whole ecosystem.
This could also spill over in commercial success and will provide for excellent PR (which is the best and cheapest marketing)!
What are your thoughts on it? Do we have a ready solution at hand? Do we need to come up with a solution? Make this a community proposal?
By the way: I will publish a follow-up interview with the most outspoken politician (National Councillor) about the digital shift in Switzerland. He has issued the first (centralized) E-ID a decade or so ago. I am very keen to hear about his take on blockchain tech!
I am very happy to answer questions (as far as I can).