NEM Wallet Nodes?

Please check if you have open ports 7890 and 7778. Ports should be open on your computer and Internet provider.
Alternative may be use nano wallet in browser. Please try: (link from site)

Where should I go to check the ports?

You can try telnet (from cmd.exe):

telnet 7778
telnet 7890

Sorry for the ignorance, but I don’t know how to check the port. Where am I supposed to insert the information you gave?

You should run cmd.exe on Windows and there put this command.
If you don’t know how you can first try use this wallet version

I am going to do as you say. Thank you very much for the help!

I realized that the link you sent me is exactly the one I have installed. No success in choosing a NODE that works.

Probably it’s something wrong which your Internet provider I guess. Could you try in other network or on other computer?