NEM (XEM) Price Charts

good luck to you bro!

Hola, tenes idea sin en binance van a dar XYM por los XEM que habia cuando sacaron la instantanea? muchas gracias

i think the binance listing is related with so called whale, if he will want to list XYM (distribution will follow that of course), that will be done. I know that is annoying so much waiting, but so is cryptojungle, small player has no power to do something with the big one.

It seems to me that nem will grow when xym is launched on Binance. The second option - the price will fall on both coins until the holders are completely hopeless and then there will be a huge increase

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Do you know the total amount of currency in XYM?

XEM - last to pump, first to dump, nothing has changed since years…


Around 7.3bn circulating.



Knowing the pattern could be very helpful! but now is it dumping or is it pumping?
I see price has fallen a little bit but is it a correction before the pump or is a dump?
I ask because i see XRP and XLM price has risen a bit to fall again!

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market is undecided because of price action of BTC and Totalmarketap, But i think that during BTC still correcting there is huge chance for XLM XRP and XYM pump, dump will be only consequence of that pump as always in crypto

only market makers (makers of this pumps) know when it occur, so is my impression only that pump is comming, many smaller projekts were pumped in last days, time for old guard (XLM XRP) combined with debutante XYM :smiley:

You have written about xem price and i asked about it not about xym price.
i see you talk about xym price now :slight_smile: but not xem price.

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Yep XEM is mystery now for me. I dont feel it will grow much, but still market maker if here exists can decide to do some unexpected move. Maybe time for XEM will come in late Spring not now. Also only my impression.

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Ok , muchas gracias, pero en teoria, binance hizo la instantanea y deberia depositar los xim por los xem que habia en binance en ese momento… esto es asi? yo para saber si me ilusiono jaja, me quedaron 6000 xem sin pasar a la wallet de nem … muchas gracias por tu info, saludos

Binance should do that, but its decision of Binance owners for now we can only wait for some statement from there. :slight_smile:

not much to analyze here, trend is slightly bearish - no signs of reversal

below cloud always mean bearish

XYM has other situation, no trading history means price discovery mode :wink:

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Is there any chance for XEM to recover? I really was not that informed, I thought I was buying XEM low @ 0.618 last March 10th, but it went down even more, then, I bought more on the 12th @ 0.4185. And it has been down ever since. So, I tried researching why? I hope our group here could enlighten & guide us who are just very new to XEM. What’s the best thing to do with our XEM now? Thank you all so much!

ok muchas gracias…esperemos

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The best thing you can do is wait.
You bought at an average of 0.5 and now it is cumulative (XEM+XYM) at 0.98
After listing for large exchanges it can fly from 2$ to 10$
Did you bought at an exchange that was offering Opt-In?


Think it has recovered really well already. Bought mine at under 0.01$.