NEM's lost after activating harvesting


I have a question. I have transferred XEM from Poloniex to New Wallet on 8-7-2017. I received those nem’s and have activate my account to start harvesting.


I can see that there are nem’s in that account.
When I open my wallet I see no NEM’s.

Also that transaction was completed and status is active on the adres. After login in with a Mac my nanny wallet did no show up.

I have checked the forum and have reinstalled the NEM Wallet (Mac) and entered the private key. The adres that is showing up then is not the same as the adres above.

Anyone with some information how to solve this? Hope someone now!

regards Martijn

Is there a little red circle in top right hand corner or green in your wallet?
you might have to pick a new node if it is the colour RED. Once you pick a new node and its green, you should be able to see your xem in your account.


Thank’s for your reaction. No the node is green. Also I switched to other nodes but still no nem’s to see. Could there be something wrong with my account adres maybe?

So lets run through this, just so i understand your problem.
Is this the address that is showing in your account wallet now :

Or when you re-installed it , did you get a new address?

The address never changes when importing your wallet to a new device or computer.

The address when searched is showing a balance of 10,000xem.
As you mentioned above, did you imported your private key into the new wallet when reinstalling it,
because it should of imported the same wallet unless you are using a different private key from another wallet maybe?

Do you still have the original .wlt file from first installation.

I appreciate your help! Thank you. The adres that is showing up when I use my private key (still have this one) is:

I have a wet file but that one is not from the same date of my transaction so when I use that one I lso don’t see any balance.

That is simply not the address that you sent the XEM to.

This is the address that has your XEM. NB6HOOYRNNP377H6PQ6GIU2OSI3ERCXP32DVDCNB I hope you have other private keys or wallets that you can check.

Try searching .wlt in your computer and find the one for the first installation, since reinstalling you should have two different .wlt files on your computer. You dont need the private key if you have these files you can import the wallet and use your password. you might still have the first wlt file on your computer, because usually once you make the first account it auto downloads the file .Check “Downloads” or search “All Files”

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Hi Saul,

When I open the address: NB6HOOYRNNP377H6PQ6GIU2OSI3ERCXP32DVDCNB in my wallet there are no NEM’s shown sadly. Do I need te delete all the existing wallets? I don’t know my exact name of the wallet anymore

regards Martijn

I tried earlier to find the right alt file but I did not succeed yet. I will try to see if I can recover my files.
Thanks for your hulp!

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So I have my privet key, password and first wit file. Working on a mac and still I don’t see my nem’s. Do I need to delete all the wallets that I have created? I see that those new wallets, created with my private key have different addresses.
Hope someone is able to help!

I have checked my safari version and it is up to date.

Do not delete any wallet files. I do not think that would help anything.

This is very confusing. I know the XEM is in that account. I can see it.

Are you sure you are connected to a green node, not a red one?
Are you behind a firewall? Are you able to check your account from a friends internet connection?

The node is green. I will check tomorrow on another internet connection.
Before I transfered NEM for harvesting, the NEM were in my account

I logged in with my private key with on another internet connection. Still no NEM and the wrong account adres.
I think I have to do a deep dive in to my Mac again (also no data in my cache libary , I don’t see an unknown wlt file yet.

When I have the account number and my password would I be able to login?
Could it be the case that I have a NCC wallet and not a NemWallet new version that was used?

regards Martijn

Then you do not have the correct private key or “.wlt”

Only if you created a brainwallet. If you created a simple wallet, then you need the wallet and the password.

If you have a “.wlt” file created by NCC, you would need to convert your wallet in NCC to be compatible with Nanowallet.