NEMstake tokens listed in the NXT asset exchange

[center][font=Arial]NEW ECONOMY MOVEMENT[/font]
"A New Economy Starts With You."



"A Community-Oriented 2nd-Generation Cryptocurrency, With Philosophies of Financial Freedom, Decentralisation and Equality of Opportunity."

NEMstake Tokens Listed on NXT Asset Exchange[/center]
Following stakeholder's requests, NEM stake tokens have been issued and will be sent to current stakeholders on demand.

CLARIFICATION: You must be a NEM stakeholder to receive a NEMStake Token. Your stake will be transferred from the official stakeholder list to the NXT AE as a NEMStake token.

Link to the official discussion/ update thread

For current NEM stakeholders, if you want to have NEM stake asset tokens issued which are convertible to Nemcoin after we launch, then saying something here. It will be via Nxt asset exchange. If there are a lot of demand then we will issue the asset tokens. If you want to issue tokens via counter party protocol, we can do it too if there are high demand form current stakeholders.

The rules will be made clearer if there is indeed a big demand to issue tokens.

Add: I should make it clearer that current stakeholders could be issued the tokens on demand, but it is not for selling more NEM shares. Technically it is a temporary transfer of NEM stake ownership from my Google sheet to Nxt asset exchange.

UPDATE: 5/20/2014

We will be issuing temporary NEMstake tokens on Nxt asset exchange per request of the current NEM stakeholders (optional). Please read the rules for requesting NEMstake tokens carefully


1. Each current NEM stakeholder could request to receive one NEMstake token.

2. One token represents one stake (1 million NEM) receivable after the official launch of NEM blockchain and can be traded down to one digit after zero (smallest trading unit is 1/10 of a stake).

3. Conversion of NEMstake tokens to NEM: Owners of NEMstake tokens need to send the total amount of tokens he owns back to the issuer (my issuing account) and put his NEM address in the "comment" field of the transaction to receive the corresponding amount of NEM in the receiving address. Caution: you could lose your share if you don't put in the correct NEM address in the "comment" field.    

4. The conversion process will start 2 weeks after the official launch to ensure an orderly distribution of NEM to all stakeholders.

5. There will be a maximum of 1000 NEMstake tokens issued. So if you want to have a NEMstake token on the Nxt asset exchange you should request it before the supply is running out. But if you don't want the token and want to receive NEM on the official launch, you should not request NEMstake token. If you are not comfortable with Nxt asset exchange, you should not request NEMstake tokens.

6. NEM development team will not sell or buy any amount of NEMstake token in the asset exchange. Therefore we are not responsible for any price movement of NEMstake tokens. NEM development team will hold NEM stake auction in the Bitcoin blockchain in a later date (see the rules in the update page); so the auction is other alternative if you want to buy into NEM before the official launch.

7. NEM development team will not be responsible for the loss of tokens or the loss of access to an account of any token owner in Nxt asset exchange.

8. NEMstake tokens will expire and has no more conversion power after the completion of V1 blockchain (about 2 months after the official launch). All NEMstake tokens will be destroyed by sending them back to Nxt genesis block.

9. Additional conversion condition: A maximum of 2 NEMstake tokens will be allowed to convert to NEM per one NXT account (with one unique NEM receiving account). That means if one account sends more than 2 NEMstake tokens back to the issuer account for NEM, he will receive the cap for that account of 2 million NEM. This hopefully will partly discourage an early concentration of NEM in a few accounts.

If you want to request a token, please send [url=;u=230980]Patmast3r a PM with your Nxt account saying so. Then [url=;u=230980]Patmast3r will put you in this separate tab in the final stake holder list.

You must also send 1 NXT for the transaction fee to NXT-97MX-EWKV-CGKX-DA5WH.

When there is a minimum of 100 requests, [url=;u=230980]Patmast3r will officially issue the token and send them to your accounts. Asset Ticker and Issuer account will be announced later when the tokens are issued. Thanks.


Update 5/24/2014



ASSET ID : 12465186738101000735

ISSUING TIME: 5/30/2014 at 12.00 GMT or 7.00 A.M EST

Development contract. Read it first.


It's amazing that the volume and price are still so high, despite all that has been going on recently:

Keeps amazing me too :D. Seems that there is a lot of trust and belief towards our community!

Wait untill the open alpha comes, it will go through the roof.

I expect it too.  ;D I'm very excited!

Seems predictions were right. Beta is our next big step.

just thought id mention how furious I am with you guys for giving others their stake and refusing to give me mine

just thought id mention how furious I am with you guys for giving others their stake and refusing to give me mine

Yes, you are starting to making me a little furious too.
Did you not understand that this halt of issueing assets is TEMPORARILY?
Is it really impossible for you to wait a few weeks ?

If anything we WOULD denying an asset not your stake. Everyone get's their stake at launch.

Another thing that there are only 1000 assets to claim. So with you waiting months to even try to get one they could have been all out long time ago.

sent PM on BTT


1) Send 1 NXT from the account you want the asset to be transfered to to NXT-97MX-EWKV-CGKX-DA5WH
This will pay for the tx fee and act as bookkeeping.

2) Send pm to xtester with patmast3r in cc.
The pm needs to include the tx id for the 1 NXT payment. Don't pm us saying "I payed 1 NXT. Send my token". INCLUDE THE TX ID!
This is what a TX ID looks like: 7136633102723179216. Plz don't send us something else.

We'll issue tokens once a week. Current plan is to issue tokens every monday. Plz send your request at least 24h in advance otherwise you'll have to wait for the next monday to come along.

xtester will check first, put you on the list, then I will recheck and issue the token.

Everyone that already pmed me before will need to pm again. I can't search all those pms in my inbox for every single request I hope you can understand that.