New Emunie Consensus Primer

I’d like to hear some opinions and thoughts. Never leave the competition out of sight :wink:

The paper and ideas look good, but…

  1. Dan works alone and that paper is a tall order. Kind of like Vitalik building Ethereum alone.
  2. this is the third version of emunie (that I’ve seen) and he was just as confident about the two different ones before.
  3. that blog post is interesting but we need a lot more details.

It is a very interesting project and I’ll add it to Dash, Bitshares, NXT, Hyperledger, Counteraparty, and Ripple, but I’ll put it in the “believe it when I see it” category too.


I’m following emunie for a longer time and was part of some beta tests. I scripted some tx spamming tools for this and was impressed how many simultanious tx this system was able to handle. There are many novel and good ideas but they need to proove in a real environment and as jabo said: The concept changed quite often and drastic. I understand that “Dan” wants to be the lead of “his” coin, but I think it’s very ambitious and also dangerours for the whole platform if only one person wants to realize all aspects to release a successful coin. We’ll see…

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+1 on everything Owon said

+1 same here

If he can really do what he promises, then it is a shame there is only 1 dev working on it.

A trustless p2p network without the bottlenecks which appear with blockchains… That would be awesome.
At least he is saying that his test network is capable of 2,600 TX/s (without high performance nodes!). If that is true, it is worth looking at.

I’m sure he has done some pretty cool things but the fact of the matter is for the last two years he has been “almost there”.

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Although this doesn’t mean he was saying the same thing for the last two years. First he brought up block trees, which seemed like an awesome idea in the first place, but then he dropped that concept completely and has a whole different approach now.
But of course you are right, there is no certainty he is ever delivering and there is no certainty that in case he is, it will work out :slight_smile:

There was another model before block trees too. This is at least the third version from scratch. That is what I am saying. Supposedly the other ones were “very good” according to all their beta testers, yet they didn’t ever make it to production. I think Dan is probably a great programmer, but he is only one guy, doesn’t really allow anybody else to program with him it seems, and is trying to do something really amazing. And every so often he has it “almost ready” and then starts over again, so I will believe it when I see it.

To be fair, he is at least not a typical BTT scammer type. I think he is legit. When NEM devs were months late people said lots of bad things about us and doubted, yet we still launched and it was the real deal. Dan seems very much to be like that. Constantly late so people doubt him (me included), but at least he isn’t a lying scammer.

Also, might I remind everyone of the Crypti incident. They thought they had made some new revolutionary new code, and supposedly it worked just fine in beta, but then after launch it totally broke. Making new code (that works) is actually pretty hard.

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Have seen this today:

This Hyperledger’s just keep the balance method, with Nubits monetary policy, with the network maintainers rewarded through a system like DPoS for 50% of new currency created going to the Masternodes, and the other 50% going to people that process the transactions (which should really amount to the same people I guess, and isn’t really an improvement over user fees going to block creators). I even think he put in some Eigentrust like tech (but not actually Eigentrust) in there for node reputation. And finally some anon tech, which I am guessing is already kind of tested elsewhere too. Reminds me of Frankenmunie, but it just might be brilliant.

The problem though of course is his “partitions” and the consensus problems that could arise from those. If you have the network getting attacked and nodes going on and off line, it seems like to me there could be some forks. (this is a very tricky thing he is doing. again I am reminded of other people that tried new tech and forked)

In someways I would say it looks like he is trying to make a Hyperledger styled NEM. The beauty of that is he will be able to make a lot more transaction per second, the bad part about that is there is no solid history of all the transactions in the network like the blockchain provides.

He also is a bit late to the game I guess. Hyperledger has been around a lot longer and is bought by Blythe Masters, and SETL has already done 1 Billion transactions a day.

All and all I have to congratulate him though. It has been a really long ride for him, I think he was really honest in the article and what he said is what you get. I bet by next summer he has a good beta up and running that can do a lot of what he says.v

Also, Mijin as a permissioned ledger can already do 100 tx/s. Dan is scaling by partitioning. He gives his example of a raspi handing 20 tx/s per second but he just gets a lot of them running parallel. There is nothing to say though that we couldn’t do the same thing on NEM. We could have 100 Mijin’s running each doing 100 tx/s which would give us 10,000 tx/s or 864,000,000 per day, all with full blockchains supporting full records of all transactions, not just balances.